Sasha shelter Serbia

Teamers: 133

Recaudación: 1 €

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 17/07/2020  a las 11:24h

Sooo lucky that deworming and anti-flea tablets have a good flavour nowadays.. Makes it all much easier to give to the dogs. They love it !

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 17/07/2020  a las 11:22h

So, on 2nd July we were able to send 34€ to the budget for construction works in the puppy area. For those who knows us since years also know that the homeless man who takes care of older dogs from the shelter needs to move. So we will build some small accommodation in an old container and build some doghouses for the old dogs so they can also find a home in the puppy area. Pictures to follow. In the meantime first round of vaccinations will be done next week.

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 04/06/2020  a las 16:30h

Just wired 26€ from this account to the project account for the vaccinations needed For Sasha's dogs. You can find an update soon on the facebook of Dog Happiness be vzw / of course there will be pictures of the vaccinations, somewhere probably published in July. We are not there yet. But hope soon ! Thanks for all teamers and supporters !!! Sweet Zuta says big THANK YOU !!

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 22/05/2020  a las 15:51h

Vaccination time !!

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 22/05/2020  a las 15:51h

We are 29 teamers for a shelter of 750 dogs ! still a loooong way to go. All dogs must receive in June 2 vaccinations, one against Rabies and one against Infectious diseases. We will use the Teaming amount to help vaccinate a couple of dogs. Thank you all for joining !!

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 07/05/2020  a las 13:22h

We are 29 teamers ! I just sent 54€ to the account to be used for purchase anti-flea in Serbia. We have stock in Belgium, but because of Corona all borders are closed and still curfew in Serbia. We tried to ship our anti-flea but customs does not accept it, as in their eyes it would be for resale, even products were taken out of package and cannot be sold. - but Serbia is not EU, we tried to import through 4 different carriers. Did not work. Anti-flea on its way back to Belgium. So we had to buy anti-flea from whole food budget. It is very urgent situation. -

Hildegard Brydenbach
Hildegard Brydenbach, Teamer, el 23/05/2020  a las 13:36h

It would be a great help and many more members would join if the teaming was shared on the page of the shelter.

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 04/03/2020  a las 17:18h

March, here we go, 27 teamers !!! - hurray !! - in April we will deflea and deworm all the 750 dogs again. The shelter totally depend on our help and funds for this. So, the donation will be used for this project. Pictures will follow of course.

Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 17/03/2020  a las 15:57h

Not so good news, the trip is cancelled for April. However the budget for deworming was reached. So we can transfer with Paypal to Sasha, he can buy the products locally in Serbia and deworm the dogs himself. Just the anti-flea products cannot make it to Serbia, borders all closed. So he will need to purchase in Serbia as well... this is big problem as is big budget. Trip is postponed to July.

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 22/01/2020  a las 18:53h

Here is Fini, she is the dog that thanks to the help of Teamers we can help to prepare for adoption ! More teamers is more help, but for sure we will work to change Fini's life in 2020 !! thank you !!

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 11/01/2020  a las 09:05h

Hurray, we are 24 teamers ! with this month donations, we will give 1 dog a ticket for a titertest, meaning this can change his life, after arriving as a puppy and after 5 or 10 years, suddenly receiving this ticket, the dog has a chance to leave the shelter if we find someone who would like to give him the chance. All dogs are good dogs, just not well anymore in such a large pack of dogs.

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 13/12/2019  a las 18:45h

So winter really started, hay and wood are delivered, the stoves are doing there work. Cooking food for the dogs, to keep them warm. Some dogs will become skinnier, they will be extra fed. A lot of work also for the workers to reach the shelter when there is snow. When it rains, the shelter is full of mud, the dogs become brown. Therefore we want to continu to build roofs over enclosures and improve infrastructure. Progress comes step by step.

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 22/11/2019  a las 17:30h

Zoran and the wood for his stove.

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 22/11/2019  a las 17:29h

So we were able to buy the wood and the hay for the 750 dogs for this winter !!! Thank also to your Teaming help !! Because every 1€ counts..
Old Zoran received the wood, now it still needs to be cut..

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 02/11/2019  a las 12:15h

Good news, we are 22 teamers !! Within 3 days around 31€ will go to the budget for winter preparations ! (was not possible to put 50€ because Teaming can only do this after 25/11. We cannot wait. - Soon the wood and hay can be ordered. Thank you all very very much !!! hopefully more teamers coming up !

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 07/10/2019  a las 18:39h

Winter preparation for the shelter. For 750 dogs, we need 300 packs of hay to put in the doghouses to keep them warmer during the cold winter. 1 bale of hay is 2€.
So, 2 extra teamers per bale of hay are needed.. !.. let us see where we get !

Together we can keep them warm !

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 22/09/2019  a las 21:09h

Anti-flea and deworming

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 22/09/2019  a las 21:08h

So, all dogs received anti-flea and deworming in September. We have to prepare further for winter now. Meaning hay, wood for the stoves to cook meat and rice. Most important for a dog to have full bellies. - good news, we are 11 teamers !

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Actualización de cómo va la causa
Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 07/08/2019  a las 13:26h

OK ! Teaming works !! we were able to send 58€ to add up with the deworming account. Still a total of 375 dogs who need deworming soon !

Also this little puppy needs urgent help and medication. Thanks for all your help !

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, el 05/07/2019  a las 14:59h

Dear teamers, lots and lots is going on in the shelter. As you may know we struggle with the flood of dogs/puppies and demands. Dogs hit by cars, puppies dehydrated and skinny, some full of worms. We desperately need deworming and anti-parasite pills for our 750 dogs. So you will see appeals coming up, we are now trying to get the first donation from Teaming, so it can be used for this purpose. Thank you all for hanging on !!

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