Ingrid Martens


Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 1 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 2 € a 2 Grupos

Desde el 04-03-2018 ha aportado 96 €

Grupos que lidera


5.140 € Recaudados

136 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  04/03/2018

Sasha shelter Serbia

Sasha takes care of 750 unwanted dogs .. – this has never been his dream - but the dogs are there, waiting for food, waiting for help.. every day..again. The dogs are kept in packs, they run free for 8 hours per day, they eat, rest and play together. They are safe. Safe from the dangers of the street and humans. We help them with food and basic medication. We also run a sterilization program and try to improve care for the old and weaker dogs and abandoned pups.

Grupos en los que participa


428 € Recaudados

15 Teamers

Teamer desde:  25/03/2024

IDoSA vzw

IDoSA vzw is een vereniging die dierenasielen en -organisaties steunt in verschillende landen. Wij helpen financieel en materieel. Onze enige doelstelling is om de levensomstandigheden van asieldieren te verbeteren. IDoSA vzw is an association that supports animal shelters and organizations in various countries. We help financially and materially. Our sole objective is to improve the living conditions of shelter animals.