Sasha shelter Serbia

Sasha shelter Serbia

135  Teamers
4.622 € gesammelt

Sasha takes care of 750 unwanted dogs .. – this has never been his dream - but the dogs are there, waiting for food, waiting for help.. every day..again. The dogs are kept in packs, they run free for 8 hours per day, they eat, rest and play together. They are safe. Safe from the dangers of the street and humans. We help them with food and basic medication. We also run a sterilization program and try to improve care for the old and weaker dogs and abandoned pups.

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Help for Sashas dogs Serbia

Sashas shelter Serbia

In the south of Serbia, One man takes care of 750 unwanted dogs. The dogs run free for 8 hours per day, eat, play, sleep free. During the night they stay in enclosures. Sasha cannot do this alone. He gets 0 support from Government, and depends totally on supporters. Our Belgian Charity Dog Happiness Be vzw supports the shelter with medication ; extra food ; sterilisation project ; infrastructure, sterilisations, doghouses...

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Fortschritte der Gruppe

Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens

11/11/2024 13:44 h

We probably have more than 100 dogs that are over 10 years in the shelter. How we would love to change their uncertain future..
We need however help for this. Now that another freezing winter is coming, can we change some senior's future ?
Meet Dzoni = Johnny for friends. He is 13 years in the shelter, a small never noticed dumped little dog. All he needs is 1 person to notice him. Willing to offer him a soft basket. - Thanks for sharing our project !

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens

28/12/2023 19:45 h

Happy Festive days and best wishes ! please please do not forget our hundreds of dogs ! - Please let family and friends know that with 1€ a month they can make a BIG difference !

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Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens

22/03/2021 11:29 h

To deworm 750 dogs in the shelter, we need loooooots of help... we hoped to do this minimal 4x per year, This was the first time in 2021 and it feels soooo good we can deworm them with this high qualitative broad spectrum product. thank you alll very very very much ! - another step to better care for the doggies !

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
4.622 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
4.490 €
Wir werden spenden:
132 €
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