Petra Verheecke


Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 9 Grupos

Desde el 09-04-2021 ha aportado 205 €

Grupos que lidera


428 € Recaudados

15 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  28/05/2022

IDoSA vzw

IDoSA vzw is een vereniging die dierenasielen en -organisaties steunt in verschillende landen. Wij helpen financieel en materieel. Onze enige doelstelling is om de levensomstandigheden van asieldieren te verbeteren. IDoSA vzw is an association that supports animal shelters and organizations in various countries. We help financially and materially. Our sole objective is to improve the living conditions of shelter animals.

Grupos en los que participa


1.193 € Recaudados

23 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/04/2021

Patas Arriba Morón

La asociación Patas Arriba Morón, está ayudando a varios refugios de perros de nuestra zona. No tenemos refugio propio, pero si, ayudamos varios refugios de pueblos pequeños, con comida, veterinario y adopciones. Nacimos en junio del 2019, y desde entonces participamos de forma directa o indirecta a la adopción de más de 250 perros. Queremos seguir en nuestra hazaña, que también implica difundir el respeto y dignidad hacia los perros. 3 organizaciones internacionales respaldan nuestro cometido.

1.566 € Recaudados

42 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/05/2022

Dierenvoedselbank Poezewoef Wilrijk vzw

Wij helpen mensen met hun huisdier die in financiele moeilijkheden zijn geraakt aan gratis voeding die zij 2 wekelijks kunnen ophalen in Wilrijk. Ook hebben wij een Caster-project dat instaat voor de sterilisatie/castratie van onze poezen en de jaarlijkse onderzoeken van onze viervoeters. Noodgevallen trachten wij ook steeds te helpen. Wij gaan de vereenzaming tegen door mensen samen te brengen tijdens onze bedelingsmomenten met een tasje koffie en een koekje. Iedereen is welkom.

647 € Recaudados

5 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/06/2022

Friends For Second Hand Paws

FFSHP is an organisation that helps dogs in need in Romania, they organise foodtransports, rescues and they try to find new homes for the hopeless dogs that live on the streets or in shelters in Romania. They are the voice for those that would go unheard, unseen and unloved. These dogs find a new life and a chance at true happiness, thanks to FFSHP and of course with YOUR support :)

5.140 € Recaudados

136 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/06/2022

Sasha shelter Serbia

Sasha takes care of 750 unwanted dogs .. – this has never been his dream - but the dogs are there, waiting for food, waiting for help.. every day..again. The dogs are kept in packs, they run free for 8 hours per day, they eat, rest and play together. They are safe. Safe from the dangers of the street and humans. We help them with food and basic medication. We also run a sterilization program and try to improve care for the old and weaker dogs and abandoned pups.

889 € Recaudados

26 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/06/2022

Forrest & Friends vzw

Forrest and Friends is an animal sanctuary that rescues animals who have suffered neglect and abuse. We offer education on the plight of animals in our society, especially of those animals in the animal agriculture industry. In our sanctuary we offer animals a forever home in which they are free from harm, a right every animal should enjoy.

1.073 € Recaudados

45 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/06/2022

Galgo Save Belgium

Galgo Save Belgium is a Belgian non-profit organisation founded in 2006. Our mission is the rescue, rehabilitation and adoption of the most mistreated dog in the world, the Galgo Español. The Galgo is used for hunting in Spain. When they are no longer useful, they are discarded in the most horrific ways. Galgo Save Belgium works with several Galgo rescue centres in Spain. We strongly believe that together we can achieve more! Help us and donate 1 euro per month for our Galgos!

559 € Recaudados

5 Teamers

Teamer desde:  05/04/2023

Support for Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary

Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary was the first farmed animal sanctuary established in all of South America in 2009 and is the only one existing in Colombia, where they currently take care for 80 rescued animals. They believe that EDUCATION, STERILIZATION, and RECONNECTION are the keys to make the world a better place for all animals.

1.372 € Recaudados

26 Teamers

Teamer desde:  03/05/2023

Tabula Rasa asbl - Refuge pour équidés

Tabula Rasa asbl est un refuge agréé belge pour équidés. Nous ne bénéficions pas de subsides et fonctionnons grâce à une équipe de bénévoles. Tous les animaux que nous recueillons (chevaux, ânes mais aussi chèvres, moutons, poules…) ont souffert de négligence ou de maltraitance. Certains protégés termineront leur vie au sein du refuge tandis que d’autres auront la chance d'être adopté en famille tout en restant sous notre protection.

907 € Recaudados

33 Teamers

Teamer desde:  23/01/2024

L'assiette des 4 Pattes

L'assiette des 4 pattes a vu le jour grâce à deux sœurs qui se sont unies pour aider les animaux sur base de récolte de vivre dans les magasins. De fil en aiguille, l'association s'est transformée en refuge pour subvenir à un besoin d'aide de plus en plus grand pour les animaux en détresse. Notre maison est petit à petit devenue un refuge et améliore encore ses installations pour le confort, la sécurité et l'hygiène de ses pensionnaires . Nos maîtres mots: