Support for Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary

Support for Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary

5  Teamers
559 € recaudados

Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary was the first farmed animal sanctuary established in all of South America in 2009 and is the only one existing in Colombia, where they currently take care for 80 rescued animals. They believe that EDUCATION, STERILIZATION, and RECONNECTION are the keys to make the world a better place for all animals.

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Equality for all beings

Julianas Animal Sanctuary

The abuse of all kinds of animals in South-America is enormous. In addition, there are many social problems, so animal issues are not the government’s priority and the few animal protection laws that exist are rarely enforced. With this group, we would like to help Julianas Animal Sanctuary to rescue and protect animals, and to educate the public.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
559 €
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Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


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