dr b bresard


Teamer de 17 Grups

Cada mes aporta 17 € a 17 Grups

Des del 28-09-2016 ha aportat 5.294 €

Grups on participa


2.446 € Recaptats

28 Teamers

Teamer des de:  08/04/2020

Les Paniers du Coeur

This association aims to protect and defend animals. Its purpose is: To take care of abandoned/mistreated/found animals: Dogs, Cats or any other type of animal. To welcome them into foster families or future shelters of the association - To take charge of their updating, care and rehabilitation if necessary - To search for adopters and follow the animals in their future homes

5.159 € Recaptats

163 Teamers

Teamer des de:  17/06/2020

Noah's Ark, Marrakech

I am karim, I intervene in Marrakech with a group of volunteers to help the animals of Morocco since 2015. I come to you to support the L'Arche de Noé association which helps domestic and wild animals in distress (amputees, blind, burned, etc.). In addition, we act through our food distributions for dogs, cats and street horses. Our sterilization campaigns make it possible to reduce the reproduction of street animals. Suivez our actions quoted on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/maroc.adn

909 € Recaptats

25 Teamers

Teamer des de:  19/02/2021

Cookies Pound Puppies

Towards the end of 2020 LCsP|SARA rescued 51 puppies who were living in very poor conditions in the Commune Dog Pound in Agadir. These poor puppies were doomed and it broke our heart to leave them there.... so we rescued them. Since then we have visited regularly and rescued all the puppies we can. The puppies need to ber vaccinated, neutered when they get older, kept healthy and happy... then rehomed.

4.016 € Recaptats

128 Teamers

Teamer des de:  10/03/2021

Friends of SOS KIEV ANIMAL SHELTER, Help Tamara & 1300 animals, Ukraine

For 24 years, this animal shelter has only functioned with international aid. Without regular donors, Tamara's shelter is constantly on the verge of bankruptcy: we must help her! In addition to the stress linked to the lack of regular funds in a country at war (7 years), Tamara, her 4 employees and her animals are regularly victims of violence from a local organisation of "dog hunters". First animal shelter in Ukraine, it homes more than 1,000 dogs and 300 cats.

2.525 € Recaptats

104 Teamers

Teamer des de:  24/09/2021

Youm refuge chiens et chats Assilah Maroc

Bonjour, je crée ce groupe teamer pour aider M.Ahmed Soussi pour son refuge à Assilha, une ville du Maroc Ahmed s occupe de 150 chiens et 80 chats. Il a besoin de dons pour nourrir, soigner et protéger les chiens et chats qu il secourt. il est seul et le bénévolat n' existe pas au Maroc. J aimerai grâce aux cumules des 1€ pouvoir l aider à stériliser soigner vacciner nourrir les animaux qu' il sauve d' une mort certaine.... vous pouvez nous suivre également sur Facebook merci d'avance

5.188 € Recaptats

191 Teamers

Teamer des de:  24/10/2021

Golesti Focsani Bacau stray dogs - Association Dogs rescued at last minute

Our association Loulous Sauvés in Extremis (LSIE) rescues dogs on kill list or in great danger in Romanian public shelters and also offer safe sheltering to stray dogs, injured dogs, puppies abandonned with or without mothers. Every month, dogs are put in sanitary order to join families in France or Belgium Your Euro is the first link of this solidarity chain. You can also donate on our page for specific actions (fb : @louloussauves). YOUR EURO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Thank you for your support

6.554 € Recaptats

422 Teamers

Teamer des de:  24/03/2024

SANA 8800 Michael Chour

Michael Chour Association - Dog rescues from the meat trade in Southeast Asia, from strays and abuse. Giving up is not an option. Any help matters

4.744 € Recaptats

134 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/04/2024

Sasha shelter Serbia

Sasha takes care of 750 unwanted dogs .. – this has never been his dream - but the dogs are there, waiting for food, waiting for help.. every day..again. The dogs are kept in packs, they run free for 8 hours per day, they eat, rest and play together. They are safe. Safe from the dangers of the street and humans. We help them with food and basic medication. We also run a sterilization program and try to improve care for the old and weaker dogs and abandoned pups.

1.722 € Recaptats

49 Teamers

Teamer des de:  26/11/2024


ONG libanaise (#205/AD) également enregistrée aux USA (501(c)3 #83-2075807) Nous avons actuellement dans notre refuge plus de 1'100 animaux (860 chiens, 230 chats, 2 singes, 3 chevaux, 1 âne, des lapins et tortues. La situation au Liban étant catastrophique nous manquons cruellement de tout et avons désespérément besoin d'aide extérieur afin de pouvoir continuer à nous occuper de nos petits protégés qui ont pour la plupart vécu l'enfer avant que nous les sauvions. Voir vidéo pour plus d'infos

1.579 € Recaptats

47 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/11/2024

Moroccan Dog Rescue

French Association against animal abuse Feeding and rescuing street animals, particularly in Marrakech. Sterilization and vaccination. Opening of a shelter for senior and disabled dogs. As well as emergencies (post op patients) baby with mom.

2.109 € Recaptats

62 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/11/2024


ANCA HELPS ANIMALS - ANCA HILFT TIEREN mean Devotion,mean Huge Love for animals,mean Understanding of pure souls. I am not alone: friends from Suisse,Germany, Austria helps me to go on to save abandoned animals in Romania, for almost 10 years.To support them 350 dogs, 3 horses, 35 cats, 2 pigeons, 4 turtles,to keep them healthy and happy, I have every day battles to win .I know for sure that together WE CAN SAVE LIVES, that together we can bring happiness in their lives.

492 € Recaptats

32 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/11/2024

Doggybagcrew animal shelter -Greece

Doggybagcrew is a Belgian non-profit association whose goal is the protection of animals of all species as well as the defense of their rights in Greece. DoggyBagCrew is dedicated to carrying out different types of actions: *On-site assistance to animals that have been abused, abandoned, or in a situation of distress. *Assist animals suffering physically, and emotionally. *Pay vet bills for other associations. *Building a shelter that will welcome animals from all species.

2.156 € Recaptats

54 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/11/2024

Association LUPY

L'Association LUPY est une Association de protection animale à but non lucratif créée en 2009 Elle a pour vocation de venir en aide aux chats et chiens errants ainsi qu'aux chiens condamnés à mourir dans la fourrière de la Ville d'Orastie en Roumanie. L'association LUPY, permet à ces chiens de ne pas subir une mort atroce et leur trouve des adoptants. Chaque euros est un trésor qui permettra de sauver des vies. Merci à tous d'y participer :-)

229 € Recaptats

36 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/11/2024


Our Street Animals est dédié à la protection animale au Maroc. La condition animale est très compliquée au Maroc, vivre sur le terrain est très dur, mais c'est ce qui permet à Feezora d'agir. - Plus de 35 chiens sauvés de la rue - Une centaines de chiens/chats errants nourris durant les tournées quotidiennes (ils sont si nombreux !)

238 € Recaptats

21 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/11/2024

Les oubliés de Calatafini Segesta

Help Cornelia to save dogs from sicily s streets PLEASE !

171 € Recaptats

48 Teamers

Teamer des de:  03/12/2024

Les Plumes d'Ixelles ASBL

Les Plumes d'Ixelles ASBL is a non-profit organization for the protection of rock pigeons. Stéphanie, the founder, fights for their contraception and daily feeding. In Ixelles (BE), she already cares for several groups of pigeons and still want to do more. But the cost is already huge! Stéphanie absolutely needs our support to continue her work. They can only count on her to eat their fill, and she has only us. Let's support her in her wonderful work!

130 € Recaptats

30 Teamers

Teamer des de:  07/12/2024

Les ptit 'zamours de Mymy Paloma

Son vrai prénom est Myriam, elle a vécu et travaillé dans l 'est de la France et à sa retraite s est installée au Maroc, son pays natal, pour venir en aide aux chiens et aux chats errants.Les animaux vivent un véritable enfer la bas. Leur courte vie n est que terreur et souffrance ! Mymy ne peut concevoir de les abandonner, et malgré sa santé fragile et ses immenses difficultés financière elle reste. Aidons la à continuer le combat! Un euro par mois peut tout changer pour eux !