Doggybagcrew animal shelter -Greece

Doggybagcrew animal shelter -Greece

45  Teamers
618 € recaudados

Doggybagcrew es una organización sin fines lucrativos, originada en Bélgica, cuyo objetivo es la protección de los animales de todo tipo, así como la defensa de los derechos de los animales en Grecia. DBC se dedica a diferentes actividades como lo son: La ayuda sobre el terreno a animales que han sido maltratados, abandonados o se encuentran en una situación de peligro. Ayuda a animales que han sido sometidos a maltratos fisicos. Cubrir gastos veterinarios. La construcción de un refugio.

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Fixing the road of the shelter.


Hello, Today, we want to thank the teamers who support us in building a safe loving space for animals who need it. The project is progressing well. The fence of the half of the land is finally placed and we start the work which concerns placing the entrance gate and the emergency exit in case of fire. The installation of the fence costs us 30,000 euros and the doors will cost us 1700 euros. Winter is coming, and if we want to continue the work despite the rain, we must build a part of the road that leads to the field so as not to stay stuck with the vehicles. This project costs another 450 euros and this is where your donations made via teaming will be used. The project is at its beginning, the fees are only added and our bank accounts are emptied gradually. Your help is extremely valuable and we thank you! All together for a better world!

Publicado el


niko triantafyllou
niko triantafyllou
Teaming Manager

22/12/2024 13:17 h

Hello to all our teamers,**

As you may have noticed, we recently welcomed two new residents to the shelter: Oscar, a little pig, and Sting, his loyal dog companion.

Both of them were wandering the streets of Lamia, searching for food. Thankfully, Oscar and Sting are now safe and sound, sharing a common space. However, it is important to note that Oscar cannot be without Sting for even a minute. Without him, he panics and reacts very badly to what he perceives as "abandonment."

Pigs are known for their great intelligence, but also for their particularly sociable nature. Oscar is growing very quickly, and his living space is becoming too small for him. It has therefore become urgent to consider a much larger area, which he could eventually share with other future pig residents.

To make this possible, we plan to delimit a space with a 1.5-meter-high stone wall. We will then add a house, a pond, and other facilities for their comfort.

The donations you have already made will help us start this project, and we sincerely thank you for your support.

A big thank you to all of you for your continued generosity, which will make a difference in the lives of Oscar and Sting.

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Últimos comentarios

Martine Martine

25/04/2023 17:55 h

Je suis heureuse d'apporter mon petit caillou à l'édifice, au nom des animaux, pour que l'humain ouvre son coeur. Bravo

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1 Comentarios


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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
618 €
Ya hemos donado:
462 €
Vamos a donar:
156 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


Fecha de publicación

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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