dr b bresard


Teamer de 8 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 8 € a 8 Grupos

Desde el 28-09-2016 ha aportado 5.279 €

Grupos en los que participa


2.421 € Recaudados

28 Teamers

Teamer desde:  08/04/2020

Les Paniers du Coeur

This association aims to protect and defend animals. Its purpose is: To take care of abandoned/mistreated/found animals: Dogs, Cats or any other type of animal. To welcome them into foster families or future shelters of the association - To take charge of their updating, care and rehabilitation if necessary - To search for adopters and follow the animals in their future homes

5.008 € Recaudados

151 Teamers

Teamer desde:  17/06/2020

Noah's Ark, Marrakech

Soy karim, trabajo en Marrakech con un grupo de voluntarios para ayudar a los animales en Marruecos desde 2015. Acudo a ustedes para apoyar la asociación L'Arche de Noé, que ayuda a los animales domésticos y salvajes en peligro (amputados, ciegos, quemados, etc.). Además, actuamos a través de nuestros repartos de alimentos para perros, gatos y caballos callejeros. Nuestras campañas de esterilización reducen la reproducción de los animales de la calle. www.facebook.com/maroc.adn

886 € Recaudados

26 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/02/2021

Cookies Pound Puppies

Fin 2020, le LCsP|SARA a secouru 51 chiots qui vivaient dans de très mauvaises conditions dans la fourrière communale d'Agadir. Ces pauvres chiots étaient voués à l'échec et cela nous brisait le cœur de les laisser là... alors nous les avons sauvés. Depuis lors, nous avons visité régulièrement et sauvé tous les chiots que nous pouvions. Les chiots doivent être vaccinés, stérilisés lorsqu'ils grandissent, maintenus en bonne santé et heureux... puis relogés.

3.894 € Recaudados

128 Teamers

Teamer desde:  10/03/2021

Friends of SOS KIEV ANIMAL SHELTER, Help Tamara & 1300 animals, Ukraine

For 24 years, this animal shelter has only functioned with international aid. Without regular donors, Tamara's shelter is constantly on the verge of bankruptcy: we must help her! In addition to the stress linked to the lack of regular funds in a country at war (7 years), Tamara, her 4 employees and her animals are regularly victims of violence from a local organisation of "dog hunters". First animal shelter in Ukraine, it homes more than 1,000 dogs and 300 cats.

2.430 € Recaudados

107 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/09/2021

Youm refuge chiens et chats Assilah Maroc

Bonjour, je crée ce groupe teamer pour aider M.Ahmed Soussi pour son refuge à Assilha, une ville du Maroc Ahmed s occupe de 150 chiens et 80 chats. Il a besoin de dons pour nourrir, soigner et protéger les chiens et chats qu il secourt. il est seul et le bénévolat n' existe pas au Maroc. J aimerai grâce aux cumules des 1€ pouvoir l aider à stériliser soigner vacciner nourrir les animaux qu' il sauve d' une mort certaine.... vous pouvez nous suivre également sur Facebook merci d'avance

5.020 € Recaudados

192 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/10/2021

Golesti Focsani Bacau stray dogs - Association Dogs rescued at last minute

Our association Loulous Sauvés in Extremis (LSIE) rescues dogs on kill list or in great danger in Romanian public shelters and also offer safe sheltering to stray dogs, injured dogs, puppies abandonned with or without mothers. Every month, dogs are put in sanitary order to join families in France or Belgium Your Euro is the first link of this solidarity chain. You can also donate on our page for specific actions (fb : @louloussauves). YOUR EURO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Thank you for your support

6.169 € Recaudados

414 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/03/2024

SANA 8800 Michael Chour

Michael Chour Association - Dog rescues from the meat trade in Southeast Asia, from strays and abuse. Giving up is not an option. Any help matters

4.622 € Recaudados

134 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/04/2024

Sasha shelter Serbia

Sasha takes care of 750 unwanted dogs .. – this has never been his dream - but the dogs are there, waiting for food, waiting for help.. every day..again. The dogs are kept in packs, they run free for 8 hours per day, they eat, rest and play together. They are safe. Safe from the dangers of the street and humans. We help them with food and basic medication. We also run a sterilization program and try to improve care for the old and weaker dogs and abandoned pups.