Teaming Manager desde: 22/04/2024
We are a free animal shelter where around 80 animals removed from the production chain live. At the La Capra Campa farm goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, quails, pigs, donkeys, cattle, dogs and cats live free. They are our travel companions! In order to be able to support this great project and other small and large initiatives all linked to the vegan and anti-speciesist world, in February 2020 we founded, with a group of trusted friends, Il Soffio di Gea ODV association.
Teamer desde: 22/04/2024
Fundada en 2011, la fundación Santuario Vegan ofrece un hogar seguro a los animales considerados de granja. Son animales que han sufrido la explotación en granjas y mueren demasiado jóvenes. En el santuario reciben la posibilidad de vivir sus vidas en libertad y establecer vínculos familiares con otros animales. Reciben una cuidada alimentación, atención veterinaria, cariño y las instalaciones que permiten que estén confortables. En Santuario Vegan los animales son amigos, no comida.
Teamer desde: 11/01/2025
Santuario Compasión Animal es un centro de rescate para animales de granja. Ofrecemos hogar a animales que han sufrido explotación, maltrato y abandono. Les proporcionamos una vida digna, alimentación, cuidados veterinarios y todo lo que necesitan para vivir en paz. Queremos un futuro en el que los animales sean tratados con compasión y respeto, un futuro en el que no haya crueldad hacia ellos. Nuestra labor y nuestro propósito es salvar animales.
Teamer desde: 30/01/2025
OASICODEFELICI is a project that manages a sanctuary for animals rescued from situations of discomfort, suffering, mistreated or sick ... We give a temporary home to stray animals that otherwise would have no future, keeping them in shelter with us until they have a home of their own. The refuge is home to more than 200 souls of all species, which we can only save thanks to our strength and the help of the wonderful people who support us!
Teamer desde: 30/01/2025
Hi everyone, I'm Andrea and for the past 1 year I have opened a shelter for animals, Cats in particular but also Chickens, Rabbits and Little Goats all rescued from cruel fates. We are already more than 60,000 people on social networks and we have managed to do so much, saving dozens of cats, tackling clinical and veterinary expenses and managing to build a beautiful shelter box. We still have a lot to do and with a small contribution you can help us achieve something magnificent.