
Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 4 € a 4 Grupos

Desde el 01-05-2018 ha aportado 162 €

Grupos que lidera


4.367 € Recaudados

83 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  01/05/2018

Association Galia

Refuge for cats and dogs in the Vendée (85) - FRANCE Reception and accommodation of abandoned animals in order to avoid systematic euthanasia - Placement for adoption

Grupos en los que participa


2.697 € Recaudados

47 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/07/2020

The Raggie Dog Retreat

We are not a formal refuge, just a couple, Hanna and Stephen, with a passion for helping dogs. Especially those that many other people discard. Based in France we have opened our home and hearts to many old and disabled dogs. Currently we have 20 dogs in our care. Your donations will be used to purchase every day essentials....washing powder, disinfectant, kitchen roll, training pads.

1.791 € Recaudados

111 Teamers

Teamer desde:  03/07/2023

Refuge de l'Angoumois

Né en 1966, le Refuge de l’Angoumois est une Association Loi 1901 qui recueille chaque année sur son site à Mornac plus de 1200 animaux maltraités et abandonnés en Charente. Au quotidien, les salariés et bénévoles du Refuge œuvrent ensemble autour de 4 missions principales : • Accueillir et soigner les chiens et chats errants, maltraités ou abandonnés • Lutter contre la maltraitance • Responsabiliser les propriétaires d’animaux • Sensibiliser le public à la protection et au respect de l’anima

287 € Recaudados

61 Teamers

Teamer desde:  26/11/2024


Paws-Patas is a fully registered non-profit animal rescue & rehoming organisation in the Almería region of Spain. We rely solely on the amazing generosity of our supporters across the world. At any one time, we have approximately 250 dogs & cats in our care, all rescued from situations they themselves never could've never wished they had found themselves in. We also operate a TNR (Trap Neuter Return) in conjunction with our our partners.