Teamer de 3 Grupos
Cada mes aporta: 3 € a 3 Grupos
Desde el 25-08-2022 ha aportado 49 €
Teamer desde: 10/08/2023
2gether4strays e.V. is a small non-profit association that looks after a private shelter in Romania with 300 dogs. In addition to the monthly feed supply of almost 3 tons per month, this includes the veterinary care and the improvement of the living conditions of the animals and people in this shelter! Many drops make a sea and many individual Euros can help us to help the animals. Please support us with only 1, - € per month
Teamer desde: 10/08/2023
Wir sind ein motivierter und ehrenamtlicher Tierschutzverein aus Österreich, der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, den Tieren dieser Welt zu helfen und ihnen ein möglichst schönes Leben zu schenken. Auch wenn wir meist "nur" Hunde und Katzen in der Vermittlung haben, schlägt unser Herz für jedes Tier dieser Welt.
Teamer desde: 23/01/2024
PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR €1 A MONTH! We care for strays at the Nasaud animal shelter in northern Romania. For our beloved dogs and cats we organize food, provide medical care and try to find for each of them a loving home. We depend on donations for all costs and we are grateful for every euro that is given here monthly for our project. Thank you!