Teamer desde: 25/03/2019
WHY is a former stray dog. Her mother was rescued heavily pregnant in Campania in 2018, and WHY found a loving home in December 2018. Her wish: that all her friends can also be rescued and find a family. Her mission: to alleviate the suffering of stray dogs in southern Italy through emergency aid and long-term projects. Italy is often overlooked in animal welfare, but WHY wants to change that. Join her mission – together, we can make a difference!
Teamer desde: 26/03/2019
We support two animal shelters: SOS Adopta in Pechina/Almeria is run by Corinne Piaget and her husband Rafa. About 600 dogs and 150 cats live here. The clinic "Montana del Sol" in Viator belongs to our animal shelter. Since 2020 we also support the "Gogu Shelter Romania" in the southern part of Romania. Daniela and Nita house and care for about 400 animals there. The shelter is still under construction, it lacks many basic things. Give the animals a future with 1€!
Teamer desde: 22/05/2019
L.I.D.A. SEZ. PALERMO è un'associazione animalista NO-PROFIT che ha come unico scopo quello di tutelare i diritti degli animali. Opera nel nostro comune per promuovere una efficace lotta al randagismo attraverso la sensibilizzazione e l'adozione. Svolge, inoltre, l'attività di prevenzione nel diffondere la cultura della sterilizzazione e dell'adozione consapevole.
Teamer desde: 28/09/2019
Soy voluntaria en una asociaciòn Enpa de mi ciudad Caltanissetta, pero también ayudo los animales en la calle. Me gustarìa recoger dinero para hacer todas las analìsis de los abimales de la calle a los quienes busco casa para comprar comida y esterelizar las mamas. En Sicilia todos los dias nacen muchos animalitos destinados aa morirse en unos criaderos de perros donde quizàs se queden para siempre. Podéis encontrarme en el Facebook como Cassandra Siracide Soares, mi perfil es pùblico.
Teamer desde: 28/09/2019
S.O.S. A.R.M.S. - Saving Orphaned Souls Animal rescue mission Sheila ngo based in Brasov Romania . ❣️ALL LIFES MATTER ❣️ Your monthly contribution will be so helpfull for paying rent,utilities, workers, emergencies ( dogs hit by cars, cruelty cases,abused dogs from killing shelters) , spaying projects to decrease the number of strays , to prevent unwanted puppies and victims of cruelty ) , keep full tummies. Thank you for caring ❣️
Teamer desde: 30/10/2019
We Care About StraysFoundation !We are an authorised foundation that helps animals without owners ,from the streets from 2 cities from Romania:Botosani and Dorohoi!We have a private shelter where we put stray dogs that we found on the streets with serious problems,that people abandon in our care (more then 200).We have a private shelter for strays cats with 148 cats .We have goats,rabbits ,storks,hens,pigeons etc .All of them need food and shelter.We also feed 200 dogs from public shelter
Teamer desde: 03/12/2019
The group U.N.A. Carmine Longo was created by Carmines father, who, as an act of remembrance, want to continue helping stray dogs, injured animals and find foster homes, after his pet-loving son died in a horrible motorcycle accident in 1997 while he tried to transport a dog to his forever-home.
Teamer desde: 03/01/2020
The Yellow Paw e.V. is a registered non-profit association and has existed since 2021. We have set ourselves the goal of rescuing dogs from killing stations or street dogs in Romania. Stray cats are also among our protégés. We mediate dogs, in cooperation with the organization Flash Pet, to terminals with traces, EU passports and all the necessary precautions. Support us and donate 1€ for 1 life
Teamer desde: 28/01/2020
Wir vom Tierengel Burak e.V. haben NIE Weggeschaut wenn ein Tier in Not war, aktuell befinden sich über 300 Hunde und über 50 Katzen in Unserer Obhut in Tier Pensionen. Es fehlt Uns jeden Monat an Futter weil Unsere Schützlinge kaum Paten haben IHR könntet das ÄNDERN Gemeinsam Können Wir mit NUR 1€ im Monat dafür Sorgen das UNSERE SCHÜTZLINGE satt Werden und genug zu essen haben. BITTE SCHAUT NICHT WEG UND MACHT MIT UND vergesst BITTE nicht.. "SIE HABEN NUR EUCH"
Teamer desde: 15/03/2020
Mi Mascota ist eine staatlich anerkannte Stiftung, die sich um Tierrettungen, Kastrationen, Aufklärung über das Tierschutzgesetz und dessen Umsetzung kümmert und eine Auffangstation mit ca.250 Tieren unterhält. Sie agiert überwiegend in Santo Domingo, bzw. in der Dominikanischen Republik. Um diese Stiftung finanziell zu unterstützen, wird diese Gruppe gegründet
Teamer desde: 01/04/2020
We support 2 projects , in the cities of Chuguev, Kherson . It is important for us to carry out active animal protection in our own country, our priorities are neutering whether of roads – animals as well as of animals of private persons. Raising awareness to give the animals a voice. We build quarantine & infirmary, animal welfare is just as important to us as humanitarian aid, because this is the only way it can work, “NOT ONE, BUT TONE”
Teamer desde: 01/04/2020
Animal welfare goes beyond national borders. Every animal deserves a chance at a dignified life. The association operates a shelter in Tunari, Romania. A maximum of 140 dogs can currently be taken in and cared for there. We take care of dogs that have had an accident or are in need, and we constantly rescue animals from the so-called killing-shelters. In addition, we support and organize castration campaigns and maintain a Germany-wide network of around 100 foster homes.
Teamer desde: 07/07/2020
Hier kannst du die Hunde und Katzen in China durch unsere Teaming-Gruppe unterstützen. Es ist ganz einfach.... Mit eurer Anmeldung spendet ihr jeden Monat automatisch 1,-€ Gemeinsam sind wir stark! Die Tiere in China brauchen uns! Ansprechpartner: Agnie Bu
Teamer desde: 07/12/2021
We work together with 2 animal shelters in northern Portugal and have set up a puppy station there. We rescue and adopt dogs from Portugal. There are many emergencies, many dogs that need to be rescued, many dogs that need urgent help... There are many bitches with puppies that are abandoned... Many puppies that are disposed of in the garbage... Many dogs that are no longer wanted .. The animal shelters are overcrowded... We urgently need donations to care for the many dogs...
Teamer desde: 26/12/2021
Unserer Tierheim mitten im kalten Sibirien hält 400 Seelen am Leben! Und das bei -40 Grad im Winter! Es ist der einzige Zufluchtsort für verlassene Hunde und Katzen. Ob wir es wollen, oder nicht, werden es täglich mehr! Wir schaffen kaum, die monatlichen Grundbedürfnisse des Tierheims zu decken! Und wissen nicht ob wir pro Monat genug Spenden bekommen können, um Futter, Arbeiter, und medizinische Behandlung leisten zu können.
Teamer desde: 17/12/2022
Wir, die PAWS of LOVE Familie, können nicht die Welt retten, aber wir können GEMEINSAM die Welt für viele Fellnasen retten Wir versorgen täglich über 200 Fellnasen in unserem Shelter in Insuratej (RO) und sind fast täglich auf Rettungseinsätzen, planen und organisieren kostenlose Kastrationskampagnen. Nur Hand in Hand, können wir Pfote für Pfote retten, und ihnen endlich Sicherheit,Liebe und Zuneigung schenken, denn das haben Sie alle verdient ❤ KÄMPFE MIT UNS ❗