Teaming Manager des de: 06/04/2022
Ich bin eine Privatperson und habe mein leben den Tieren verschrieben. Ich habe sehr viele Katzen aus Tötungsstationen, von der Straße, auch alte Katzen , ebenso Pinkler die keine Chance mehr auf Vermittlung hatten, misshandelte und halt einfach alle die die niemand mehr wollte :(. Auch sieben Hasen habe ich aus dem Tierschutz bei mir aufgenommen. Alle Tiere bekommen bei mir ihr Gnadenbrot und werden von mir alleine neben meinem 50 Stunden Job bestmöglich versorgt :) Eure Seli
Teamer des de: 26/01/2022
Mona is a private Egyptian rescuer who is working intensely for the abandoned and suffering cats and dogs. In her Dream House in Cairo they are safe and protected from the cruelty they would face every day in the streets. The donations will be primarily used for castration and neutering of the animals and the medical treatment. Currently Mona is looking after approx. 70 cats and dogs which also need food. Please support Mona and the animals in her care.
Teamer des de: 26/01/2022
Cat House és un petit refugi de gats a Plovdiv, Bulgària. El nostre lliurat equip de voluntaris salva gats de la dura vida del carrer, els ofereix tractament mèdic, els vacuna, els esterilitza i els cuida. El refugi alberga de manera regular entre 60 i 70 gats, per als que busquem llars a Alemanya i altres països europeus. Com que no som una associació, ens financem exclusivament amb donacions. Cada cèntim donat va dirigit als gats!
Teamer des de: 26/01/2022
Tea Cup Rescue is now a registered non governmental, non profit charity civil society under the name of HABITAT SANCTUARY NPCS . A green, in a rural setting, species compliant save haven for cats, some dogs, small farm animals and injured wild life. Almost all of our animals have been either abandoned or injured in the area of Athens, rescued by people like yourself. We provide the after care of the rescue. Please show compassion in a country still needing reformation concerning animal welfare.
Teamer des de: 22/02/2022
Create a sustainable, socially inclusive & animal welfare-oriented centre in Ukraine - For street animals and local people, together with them! In the meantime: sensitive reduction of street animals through castration, education and registration; emergency care; support other ukrainian organisations with similar philosophies Your membership secures lives, expands help possibilities and stabilizes planning! THANK YOU. Your team of ArtgerechtSozial e. V. www. artgerecht-sozial. com
Teamer des de: 28/05/2023
2019 haben wir traumatisierte, vor dem Hungertod stehende Hunde in Rumänien übernommen. Ziel ist es für diese Hunde ein harmonisches Umfeld zu schaffen. Land ist gefunden, aber es fehlt das Geld, um dieses Vorhaben realisieren zu können. In den 5 Jahren wuchs die Zahl der geretteten Hunde von 85 auf 140, die der Katzen von 2 auf 9. Welpen und erwachsene Hunde werden in der Nähe unseres Shelters ausgesetzt. Menschen fragen um Hilfe, aber kastrieren ihre Hunde nicht.
Teamer des de: 25/07/2023
Sabir comes from Azerbaijan and, as an unemployed person with a serious heart operation behind him, has already rescued countless cats together with his two daughters and his wife, although he himself only has enough money to eat. They regularly add new cats to the 40 they have to care for, both adults and kittens, which they rescue from the cruel streets and people. The family is grateful for every donation, because every euro counts for the cats!
Teamer des de: 25/01/2024
Our association Tierhilfe Kleiner Brunnen e.V. greets all animal lovers and animal rights activists worldwide. In the constant hope to provide sufficient help to all our animals here, we need all your help. We have many puppies raised without a mother. From the location of our shelter as well as from the Turkish state we have received neither help nor is this to be expected. Mehmet Kaya and his small crew of helpers urgently need your help in coping with daily tasks and problems.
Teamer des de: 01/11/2024
Teaming creado para sufragar gastos, sobre todo veterinarios y alimentación, para perritos y gatitos rescatados y en busca de hogar. Siempre nos hemos dedicado a rescatar y refugiar animales necesitados y a buscarles una nueva familia que los quiera y cuide para siempre. No contamos con ninguna ayuda, ni donativos. Nos encontramos saturados con un gran numero de refugiados que necesitan atencion veterinaria y tratamientos y necesitamos ayuda para poder ayudarles y seguir salvando vidas.