Cat House Bulgaria: Rescate y adopciones de gatos callejeros desde 2014

Cat House Bulgaria: Rescate y adopciones de gatos callejeros desde 2014

236  Teamers
7.394 € recaudados

Cat House es un pequeño refugio de gatos en Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Nuestro entregado equipo de voluntarios salva a gatos de la dura vida de la calle, los ofrece tratamiento médico, los vacuna, los esteriliza y los cuida. El refugio alberga de manera regular entre 60 y 70 gatos, para los que buscamos hogares en Alemania y otros países europeos. Como no somos una asociación, nos financiamos exclusivamente con donaciones. ¡Cada céntimo donado va dirigido a los gatos!

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Cat House Bulgaria - Rescate de Gatos Callejeros en Plovdiv

Anke Vohrmann vom Cat House Bulgaria

Im November 2014 ging es offiziell los mit dem Cat House Bulgaria. Liudmila Nikolova aus Plovdiv und Bistra Datzova aus England hatten die Idee, gemeinsam das Cat House zu gründen, so konnten sie die Rettung und Vermittlung von Plovdiver Katzen angehen. Das Team wird auf deutscher Seite von Anke Vohrmann ergänzt. Seitdem wurden ca. 600 Katzen gerettet, medizinisch versorgt und vermittelt.

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Maria Atkins
Maria Atkins
Teaming Manager

16/01/2025 16:19 h

Die ersten Reisenden des Jahres 2025 machten sich am 10. Januar auf den Weg in ihr neues Zuhause. Ganz besonders freuen wir uns für Dusty und Mac, die nach einem Jahr des Wartens endlich eine Familie gefunden haben! .

The first travellers of 2025 made their way to their new homes on 10th January. We are especially happy for Dusty and Mac, who, after a year of waiting, finally found a family! .

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Maria Atkins
Maria Atkins
Teaming Manager

25/11/2020 10:52 h

I joined the team in August and visit the shelter every Saturday to help socialise and photograph the cats. I am also in daily contact with other members of the team. I see first hand how much effort is put into running the shelter every single day. I am full of admiration for this wonderful team of volunteers who do and sacrifice so much, often in very difficult circumstances. There is nothing but genuine love for the cats and their wellbeing and happiness.

Every cent donated goes where it is most needed. There is no frivolous or unnecessary spending. The shelter is not a "picture perfect" shelter, but the cats are well fed, loved, safe, and have all their needs met. The team also goes to great lengths to ensure the cats are adopted into the best possible homes, even if it takes some time to find them.

Please join us! You can rest safe in the knowledge that your donation really will make a huge difference in many cats' lives, and in many cases it will literally be the difference between a happy life and a premature death.

❤️ THANK YOU! ❤️

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
7.394 €
Ya hemos donado:
7.162 €
Vamos a donar:
232 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


Fecha de publicación

Creado por
Cat House Foundation

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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