Samanta Feinberg


Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 4 € a 4 Grupos

Desde el 12-07-2017 ha aportado 192 €

Grupos que lidera


704 € Recaudados

17 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  18/12/2021

I gatti FeLV di Samanta e altre meraviglie

I'm Samanta Feinberg, a volunteer from Rome. I frequently get requests for help regarding FeLV cats. Finding adoption for leukemic cats is not easy; for this reason in my house I have created a small cattery dedicated to them. Often they arrive in difficult conditions and need to be restored to health, but their problems require tests and hospitalizations. A little help from each can make a difference for us, thank you very much!

Grupos en los que participa


2.957 € Recaudados

48 Teamers

Teamer desde:  12/07/2017


I am Teresa Mazzella, a volunteer that takes care of abandoned cats of Ischia. I manage a small shelter hosting about 50 cats, that often I save from abandoning and dangerous situations. In addition to the shelter I also take care of stray cats around my town, providing food, neutering and veterinary care and all these expenses can't be sustained by only one person! I do not receive public funds, I just use my money... Please help me!

9.563 € Recaudados

176 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/12/2021

La Casetta Dei Gatti

We are a cat shelter for abandoned and injured cats in Rome. We house between 120 and 140 cats, many of whom are elderly or sick and require continuous veterinary care. We also house many kittens, especially during the summer months. Unfortunately, these little ones often catch viruses and other illnesses that require long and costly treatments. We cannot do it alone: your support is crucial. Help us provide hope for the abandoned and needy cats of Rome.

5.555 € Recaudados

129 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/01/2022

Gatti del Torrino

Siamo Carlo e Stefania. Da più di 20 anni nutriamo numerose colonie feline a Roma facendo affidamento solo sulle nostre risorse. Giornalmente seguiamo oltre 200 gatti tra quelli di strada e in casa e 6 cani. Pensiamo al loro benessere dal cibo alle cure veterinarie. Adesso abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto. Per questo abbiamo deciso di farci conoscere per cercare persone disposte ad aiutarci in questo impegno infinito. Siete la nostra forza ad andare avanti. grazie di cuore Carlo e Stefania