Teaming Manager dal: 16/05/2018
Microsanctuary in Spain dedicated to give a new life to birds coming from exploitation.
Teaming Manager dal: 10/04/2021
10 de los pollitos supervivientes, que vinieron a Free Phoenix, ya empiezan a sufrir las consecuencias de su selección genética, como problemas en las patas, y a necesitar atención veterinaria El colectivo como tal ya no existe, y esto va a suponer un incremento en los gastos veterinarios difícilmente asumible para una persona sola (ahora mismo viven aquí 33 refugiadas en total) Este grupo es para cubrir los gastos veterinarios actuales (y fondo para los futuros), y para poder poner implantes.
Teaming Manager dal: 24/07/2024
Hello! I am Rocío, responsible for the Henfluencers bird microsanctuary for more than 6 years. Here I currently take care of 8 chickens, 6 roosters, a turkey, a duck and 18 pigeons, all rescued. In addition to them, there are more and more cats that come in for food and shelter. I have created this group to make a fund and be able to continue sterilizing, since I take care of it alone. If you can contribute by joining or spreading the word, it would be a great help. Thank you so much!❤️