Peter Weinhappl


Teaming manager de 2 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 2 € a 2 Grupos

Desde el 13-03-2024 ha aportado 16 €

Grupos que lidera


145 € Recaudados

15 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  13/03/2024

PHASE Austria - Greenhouses for Pregnant Women in Nepal

In Mugu (NW Nepal) 80% of households suffer from food shortages. This hits pregnant women and small children particularly hard. Help us enable women to grow their own fruit and vegetables by providing greenhouses, seeds and training in seasonal, water-saving and organic farming. 100% of your donation goes to Nepal and makes a difference where it is needed most.

10 € Recaudados

3 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  23/11/2024

PHASE Austria – learning material for women’s literacy

Less than half of women in the most remote areas of NW Nepal can read and write. A lack of education has a negative impact on health and dramatically increases the risk of exploitation and trafficking in women. Child marriage, the dowry system, and menstrual exclusion primarily affect these women. This is where PHASE Austria’s literacy projects come into play. Your 1€ enables disadvantaged women to have a better future and 100% goes where it is needed most.