Pat Earle

Reino Unido

Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 2 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 3 € a 3 Grupos

Desde el 10-03-2019 ha aportado 118 €

Grupos que lidera


507 € Recaudados

24 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  31/10/2021

BARC SANCTUARY Busot. Animal. Rescue. Concern.Rescate de animales de Busot

We are a registered charity in Spain CV-01-044306-A and we survive on charitable donations of cash and items to sell in our shop. Every centimo raised, is used for the welfare and rehabilation of animals in our care. Our ultimate goal is to find foster/ permanent homes for our animals. Please support us with just 1eur a month.Direct from any bank account, it's never missed. Thank you.

Grupos en los que participa


274 € Recaudados

2 Teamers

Teamer desde:  25/08/2021

The PPPK teaming funds

Rescate y rehabilitación de perros PPP en España incluyendo el rescate de centros de incundación. Cuidamos y ayudamos a tantos perros como podamos, pero no podemos hacerlo sin fondos para gastos veterinarios, medicamentos, materiales de limpieza y alimentos. Una taza de café en España cuesta más que la e que estamos pidiendo cada mes. 1e/1 por mes, pero si suficientes personas donan significa mucho para los perros en las perreras PPP.

13.293 € Recaudados

189 Teamers

Teamer desde:  25/08/2021

TANAMERA Hunting Dog Rescue

Tanamera rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes Spanish hunting dogs. Without exception, they enter our shelter being only skin and bones and food is their first need. Our refuge suffers to pay the food bill for our dogs, that often need special food (liver / heart problems, recovery & puppy food). On average we need 335 euros PER MONTH to be able to give them the food they need. We need your help to ensure we can feed our dogs, not only today, but every month. Please help us feed them. Thank you!