Valencia, Spanien
Teamer in 4 Gruppen
Spendet jeden Monat: 4 € für 4 Gruppen
Seit 19-06-2012 gespendet: 493 €
Teamer seit: 19/06/2012
The proceeds from this group go to support medical care needed by Ricard García (Richi), diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 5. Richi is currently 17 years old and lives with a long list of sequelae derived from more than 25 surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy. His parents have created the Richi Childhood Cancer Foundation: - We encourage you to also support the Richi Foundation:
Teamer seit: 22/06/2012
This Group was created by NTT DATA employees, who have decided to collaborate with the Intheos Foundation. This entity works for finding effective therapies against cancer, based on the development of R+D+i. Intheos Foundation also works on creating awareness with the goal of providing comprehensive care to patients and their families.
Teamer seit: 06/12/2014
Marta is the first child diagnosed with Opitz C Syndrome ( in Spain. It is a serious and unknown disease that makes Marta be totally dependent. We promote the research carried out by a team from the University of Barcelona. To continue with the project, it is essential to continue raising funds for this research team. The first objective, to locate genetic mutations, is already being achieved. Now, we must go on to find therapies that help these children.
Teamer seit: 10/07/2018
Bei Teaming arbeiten wir jeden Tag daran, dass Tausende von sozialen Zwecken ihre Träume wahr werden lassen können. Seit wir Teaming ins Leben gerufen haben, konnten wir gemeinsam mehr als 50 Millionen Euro. Alles, was in dieser Gruppe gesammelt wird, geht an die Teaming-Stiftung, damit sie weiterhin anderen helfen kann. Die Teamer dieser Gruppe tragen neben anderen Unterstützern dazu bei, dass Teaming 100% kostenlos. Und unser Traum ist es, dank dieser Gruppe selbsttragend zu werden.