Madrid, Spagna
Teamer in 3 Gruppi
Da 20-07-2015 ha contribuito 51 €
Teamer da: 20/07/2015
Me llamo Beatriz Pelaez Diaz nací el 15/10/2007 en Ciudad Real.Tengo Atrofia Muscular Espinal Tipo 3, afecta al sistema nervioso central y es una enfermedad en la que hay una progresiva degeneración muscular y debilidad, afectando a las moto-neuronas. Afecta al sistema respiratorio y los músculos se van atrofiando, se perde capacidad para andar, moverse, respirar. Esta pagina sera destinada a la cubrir mis gastos terapéuticos,y aparatos ,sillas de ruedas . ¡¡¡AYUDANOS!!!
Teamer da: 20/07/2015
In MONA Foundation, abused chimpanzees and macaques are recovering from their previous lives as circus artists, television actors, and even pets.MONA gives them a second chance at a life free of pain and abuse. We strive to give them the type of life they should have had in the wild, giving them back their dignity they so much deserve. Would you like to contribute to their welfare? With just 1 euro a month you can give them a healthy and balanced diet! /
Teamer da: 14/10/2015
Gombe was found in a garbage can when he was a baby and has always suffered from adjustment problems with his kind due to suffering from a rare neurological disease: Alien Hand Syndrome. This disease is degenerative, and requires several daily medications, such as antiepileptics and tranquilizers, which will increase throughout his life, to control these crises and improve his quality of life. The cost of all the medication is €200/month. Will you help us so that Gombe does not suffer?