Merce Jiménez

Segovia, Spanien

Teamer in 14 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 14 € für 14 Gruppen

Seit 10-10-2021 gespendet: 195 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


8.706 € Gespendet

133 Teamer

Teamer seit:  10/10/2021

Asociación Protectora de Animales de Segovia

Gracias a tu donación podrán mejorarse las instalaciones que con tanto esfuerzo hemos ido creando y que suponen un refugio único para los animales abandonados en Segovia. Con tu donación respaldas el trabajo de nuestra Asociación: protección animal, recogida de animales abandonados, búsqueda de nuevos hogares de adopción tanto dentro como fuera de España, tratamiento y rehabilitación de las heridas tanto físicas como psicológicas de los animales que llegan a nuestro refugio y muchas cosas más.

35.404 € Gespendet

1.032 Teamer

Teamer seit:  23/03/2022

GAB - Grupo Ayuda a Bodegueros

GAB is an association that fights against the mistreatment and abandonment of the Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz. This breed is used for hunting and when they are "no longer useful" they are abandoned. It is the same problem as with galgos and podencos, except that the bodegueros are not such a well known breed. The money raised goes directly to pay for the dogs' homes, which cost 100 euros per month per dog, plus countless veterinary expenses. Every euro counts to keep saving dogs.

162.469 € Gespendet

2.848 Teamer

Teamer seit:  29/11/2022

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Frühstück für Bildung und Schutz im Jemen

1€/MONAT ernährt, erzieht und schützt. Der Jemen erlebt eine brutale humanitäre Notlage. Mädchen werden für Geld oder Essen verheiratet, Jungen als Soldaten entführt. Wenn die Schule die Familien ernährt, nehmen sie die Kinder auf und wir beschützen sie. Wir geben 1747 Kindern in drei Schulen Milch, Brot, Eier, Käse, Thunfisch und Obst und ihr Leben hat sich verändert! 1 Frühstück=0,56€. 1 Kind/Monat=12,3 €, 3 Schulen/Monat=21.523 €. FÜGEN SIE IHREN € HINZU und helfen Sie uns, mehr zu erreichen!

664.719 € Gespendet

6.953 Teamer

Teamer seit:  17/02/2023

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:

37.724 € Gespendet

1.724 Teamer

Teamer seit:  17/02/2023

Familia Bombay

Kittens Shelter for Leukemic Cats. On April 9th, 2021, the 8 babies of Bombay were born, a kitten rescued 21 days earlier from the street. An angel suffering from 3 mastitis since giving birth, yet continuing to breastfeed her babies. Two months later, we find out that both the 8 babies and Bombay are positive for Leukemia, and today 'Bombay Family' begins to fulfill a dream and not abandon the weakest at the worst moment. Help with veterinary expenses, medicines, and food.

29.195 € Gespendet

719 Teamer

Teamer seit:  07/04/2023

Asoka El Grande

Our dogs and cats need their food ration and their daily pills. Many of them are victims of accidents that require expensive surgeries and chronic diseases. In addition, in order to take care of them as they deserve, we must maintain our hostel with all the costs that this entails. If you become a teamer, contributing only € 1 per month, your money will help to pay those interventions, treatments and maintenance of all our animals. They will greatly appreciate it!

6.541 € Gespendet

388 Teamer

Teamer seit:  02/05/2023

Roma Cesare Stray Cat's in Athen

Without paying rent 360 Euro of my flat, I have to leave and the animals must back on street. I am an animal rights activist in Athens and currently take care of 150 of my own cats and also a few cat colonies and other strays. I need financial support for food, renting the cat house, vet costs, neutering and much more. Please help me take care of the animals.

478.860 € Gespendet

11.597 Teamer

Teamer seit:  06/06/2023

Teamers 4 Teaming

Bei Teaming arbeiten wir jeden Tag daran, dass Tausende von sozialen Zwecken ihre Träume wahr werden lassen können. Seit wir Teaming ins Leben gerufen haben, konnten wir gemeinsam mehr als 50 Millionen Euro. Alles, was in dieser Gruppe gesammelt wird, geht an die Teaming-Stiftung, damit sie weiterhin anderen helfen kann. Die Teamer dieser Gruppe tragen neben anderen Unterstützern dazu bei, dass Teaming 100% kostenlos. Und unser Traum ist es, dank dieser Gruppe selbsttragend zu werden.

1.466 € Gespendet

175 Teamer

Teamer seit:  19/07/2023

Fondo veterinario - GAB (Grupo de Ayuda a Bodegueros)

Este grupo de Teaming se crea para poder sufragar los gastos veterinarios de nuestros perros en acogida. GAB somos una asociación que lucha contra el maltrato y abandono del Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz. Esta raza se usa para la caza y cuando "no sirven" son abandonados. Instagram: @gab_grupo.ayuda.bodegueros Tiktok: @gab_grupoayudabodegueros

8.632 € Gespendet

780 Teamer

Teamer seit:  14/06/2024

BOSQUE FELINO - Los guardianes del ser

More than 70 cats that have been rescued from the streets live in the Feline Forest, with many spaces to run and play, trees to climb, as well as in home beds and shelters. We have buildt and fenced facilities especially for them, but this project does not receive any funds from the goverment, only particular donations, and that is why we need your help to continue to care for them. We need volunteers also to visit us!

83.297 € Gespendet

1.381 Teamer

Teamer seit:  15/07/2024

MONA: Hilf mir mich zu ernähren

In der MONA Stiftung erholen sich Primaten die in ihrer Vergangenheit als Zirkuskünstler,im Showbusiness oder sogar als Haustiere missbraucht wurden.Unser Rehabilitationszentrum bietet ihnen eine zweite Chance:Ein ausgezeichnetes Zuhause,wo sie sich in einer Familie mit ihren Artgenossen in einer natürlichen Umgebung erholen können und artgerecht gepflegt und versorgt werden.Mit nur 1€ pro Monat kannst du helfen sicher zu stellen,dass sie eine gesunde und ausgewogene Ernährung genießen können!

2.799 € Gespendet

227 Teamer

Teamer seit:  26/07/2024


ABAMA is a non-profit association created in order to promote animal protection and welfare, and respect for the environment. To achieve this, we carry out various activities that range from food collection, installation of shelters, colony management through the TNR method and legal defense in case of abuse, among others.

15.764 € Gespendet

1.063 Teamer

Teamer seit:  07/08/2024


AnimaLiberAction is an anti-species association that fights for the freedom and rights of all animals of any species. Every month we organize charity events to help the structures that house animals rescued from imprisonment and human exploitation but also volunteering, street activism, demonstrations, awareness-raising actions, projects in schools, sticking of posters, etc. Help us to cover the expenses for the realization of these projects.

5.896 € Gespendet

524 Teamer

Teamer seit:  02/09/2024

Santuario La Capra Campa

We are a free animal shelter where around 80 animals removed from the production chain live. At the La Capra Campa farm goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, quails, pigs, donkeys, cattle, dogs and cats live free. They are our travel companions! In order to be able to support this great project and other small and large initiatives all linked to the vegan and anti-speciesist world, in February 2020 we founded, with a group of trusted friends, Il Soffio di Gea ODV association.