Teamer since: 28/05/2021
Wir vom Tierengel Burak e.V. haben NIE Weggeschaut wenn ein Tier in Not war, aktuell befinden sich über 300 Hunde und über 50 Katzen in Unserer Obhut in Tier Pensionen. Es fehlt Uns jeden Monat an Futter weil Unsere Schützlinge kaum Paten haben IHR könntet das ÄNDERN Gemeinsam Können Wir mit NUR 1€ im Monat dafür Sorgen das UNSERE SCHÜTZLINGE satt Werden und genug zu essen haben. BITTE SCHAUT NICHT WEG UND MACHT MIT UND vergesst BITTE nicht.. "SIE HABEN NUR EUCH"
Teamer since: 08/06/2021
Founder Elizabeth Lean. A group dedicated to improving the lives of rescue dogs in Romania. Providing funds for food, vet care and comforts not only for dogs in the kill shelter but street dogs as well. To providing safe shelter, foster homes and to find adoptive homes in the UK for these poor dogs.
Teamer since: 09/06/2021
We rescue abandoned and mistreated animals all around Spain. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals' dreams come true!
Teamer since: 09/06/2021
Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives. Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains. You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:
Teamer since: 09/06/2021
(GALGOS, PODENCOS, Y OTROS) Este grupo está dedicado al rescate de animales en peligro, abandonados o perdidos, que no se dejan coger. Somos particulares y no recibimos ningún tipo de ayuda ni subvención, con tu aportación de 1Euro podrás ayudar a contribuir en cada uno de nuestros rescates, en renovar y reparar material... etc. ¡¡ Tu ayuda es fundamental !!! Gracias.
Teamer since: 29/06/2021
CAMPAIGN € 1 = 1 VETERINARY Our animal shelter has always watched over the animals that live in our shelters, and she fights day after day so that our animals do not see their attentions diminished in spite of the difficulties. That is why once again we ask for the help of the friends of the spAm. In this case making an appeal to the strength of the union: only 1 € of each of us means being able to hire a veterinarian to ensure the health of our animals. You add up?
Teamer since: 29/06/2021
La Asociacion Protectora de Animales y Plantas de Zafra: El Refugio de Brown es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro orientada a la preservación de los derechos de los animales y plantas, promoviendo actividades y campañas de concienciación. La asociación tiene un refugio ubicado en Zafra (Badajoz) en el cual se albergan animales abandonados, se les proporcionan los cuidados veterinarios, de limpieza y manutención necesarios hasta encontrarles un hogar de adopcion definitivo.
Teamer since: 29/06/2021
Este grupo nació con la salvación de Ivanka, una perra rescatada de la perrera. Por suerte fue adoptada en muy poco tiempo por Inma y vive actualemente en Barcelona. Se ha mantenido este grupo y el dinero recaudado va destinado a la Asoc. Protectora de Zafra. EL refugio de Brown, y en concreto para los perros rescatados de la Perrera de Zafra. Gracias a todos. Seguiremos luchando por salvar vidas !!!!
Teamer since: 02/07/2021
A.R.A. (Association Animal Rescue Activist) is a registered Romanian animal protection association, which has set up a shelter for abandoned dogs and cats near Bucharest. There are about 180 dogs and 20 cats. Our goal is to create the best conditions for our proteges for a dignified, secure, healthy and loving life. This can only be achieved through donations.
Teamer since: 02/07/2021
Das Eermiah Rescue Center ist ein Ort in Bulgarien, an dem gerettete Straßenhunde frei von Grausamkeiten und Gewalt leben können. Sie werden von der Straße an einen sicheren Ort gebracht, versorgt und medizinisch betreut. Alle, die nicht adoptiert werden, dürfen in Eeremiah ihren Lebensabend verbringen. Mit deiner Spende können wir sehr vieles erreichen, z.B.: Futter kaufen, Tierarztkosten übernehmen, Hundehütten kaufen u.v.m.
Teamer since: 02/07/2021
The purpose of Animal Rescue is to defend animal rights through rescuing, raising awareness, education, lobbying and activism. The animals we rescue are always the most difficult cases. We don't give up on our rescues. We make sure they get the best care and try the hardest to find adoptive homes or fostering. Most animals are adopted abroad through a strict adoption screening and a follow up process. We believe the stray population can only be fully controlled by spaying/neutering.
Teamer since: 02/07/2021
Ohana means family in the hawaian language. Our family includes 150 (human and non-human) animals. Everyone has his/her story of liberation, own name and personality Ohana was funded in 2016 in Empoli (Tuscany) when Letizia and Luigi sold all their belongings to buy a land and give shelter to animals saved from explotation and slaughterhouse. Thanks for supporting our project!
Teamer since: 02/07/2021
Siamo un gruppo d`aiuto a gli animali che sono condanatti a morte in Spagna. Per + info invia una mail a
Teamer since: 02/07/2021
Os recordamos que Teaming es una plataforma de microdonaciones de 1€ al mes y que no te cobra ningún tipo de comisión. Uniendote al grupo Teaming de PIENSO SOLIDARIO estarás ayudando entre otras muchas cosas a que podamos comprar pienso para nuestros peludos y que podamos seguir salvando animales abandonados y maltratados. ¡Gracias por ayudarnos cada mes! Fundación Animal Rescue
Teamer since: 15/07/2021
The Benjamín Mehnert Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the situation of pet animals that suffer abuse or neglect in our country, focusing mainly on the rescue, recovery and relocation of greyhounds in family homes, providing them a new opportunity as pets. Although mainly we are dedicated to the recovery of greyhounds, currently in our refuge live more than 700 animals...
Teamer since: 15/07/2021
Vaso has a shelter in her home town of Gargalianoi Greece about 70 km from Kalamata where she cares and protects for 60 dogs and 28 cats in her shelter and the strays in her town. She has been rescuing Greek animals for nearly 20 years. She struggles to meet the daily costs for food and medicines let alone vet care . These animals have all been saved from the streets many pregnant or abused in unspeakable ways or as puppies Teaming will help Vaso meet some of their needs.
Teamer since: 15/07/2021
George Orfanidis has been rescuing animals in Crete, Greece for 25 years. He has around 120 dogs at his shelter. George often takes disabled animals or those requiring expensive surgery or with an ongoing need for medication for diseases such as leishmaniasis, who might otherwise struggle to find the safety of a shelter and are hard to find homes for. With George they find safety and love. We are on Facebook and Instagram Facebook link -
Teamer since: 15/07/2021
We are a non-profit recognized animal welfare association that was founded in 2011. In the long term we are building an animal shelter for Nea Morsini Greece. At the moment we care for 40 dogs in the Rescue Station. Another 17 dogs are in private foster homes. All dogs were partly taken over from the castration actions by us, because they were sick and need medical care. On April 6th the Dog Rescue Station was devastated by a storm.
Teamer since: 15/07/2021
Peter Giesen lives in Greece, with 43 dogs and 5 cats. He rescues them, and tries to find homes for them, as soon as they are ready for adoption. With a small pension and so many costs for food, medical expenses and taxi drives to the animal vet it's no longer possible to come around every month. Please help! With this teaming group we hope to collect monthly a nice amount to donate to lower the financial stress and provide food for the animals.
Teamer since: 28/07/2021
We rescue and try to rehome the stray animals living on the street of turkey! Cruelty , Hungry and disease! Please help us to help them!
Teamer since: 28/07/2021
ARK is a charity registered in Turkey. We fund the treatment of sick and injured street animals, neuter as many as we can catch and feed the starving. Our volunteers also work in the municipal animal shelter. During the pandemic we have been unable to hold any fundraising events and are entirely dependent on the kindness and generosity of our donors. Our registered name in Turkey is Kuşadası Hayvan Kurtama Derneği Facebook group Animal Rescue Kusadasi Web
Teamer since: 01/10/2021
A small corner of the world, where individuals of different species live together and fight side by side, against all forms of abuse. The Nelloporcello antispecist Sanctuary, where live Animals that survived the food industry (pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits), is a project that belongs to "L'Arcobaleno di Olivia", an association for the protection of animal rights, promoting a antispecist , vegan and cruelty free lifestyle.
Teamer since: 23/01/2022
Animal welfare goes beyond national borders. Every animal deserves a chance at a dignified life. The association operates a shelter in Tunari, Romania. A maximum of 140 dogs can currently be taken in and cared for there. We take care of dogs that have had an accident or are in need, and we constantly rescue animals from the so-called killing-shelters. In addition, we support and organize castration campaigns and maintain a Germany-wide network of around 100 foster homes.
Teamer since: 07/03/2022
Unsere Tierschützerin Andra vom Verein Happy Tails Brasov hat ihre Arbeit und ihre privaten Bedürfnisse komplett aufgegeben, da sie das Elend auf den Straßen Rumäniens nicht mehr ertragen konnte. Ihr ganzes Leben sind die Tiere. Jedes gerettete Tier wird bei ihr auf der "Happy Burg" betreut.❤️ Wir sind KEIN Shelter. Viele Hunde und Katzen konnten ein schönes Zuhause finden. Aber auch die nicht vermittelbaren Tiere finden bei ihr ein ZUHAUSE und müssen nicht zurück auf die Straße.
Teamer since: 30/10/2022
This group is created to help the many needs of Cal Lari, ADE’s "big" shelter. In it almost 50 horses and other animals live free. Gary, was rescued this summer of '22, a welsh pony condemned for malformation in its legs to starve and thirst in a cage of iron rods next to a road. After his rescue and hospital admission to the veterinary clinic, we have him recovering in Cal Lari. Keeping one horse a month is 200 € only in food.
Teamer since: 08/11/2022
We are a small group of VOLUNTEER helpers who work for the poor souls in need (animals). We are mostly helping in Spain, but also in our area in Malaga. We help with food, medical care, parasite protection means: ADVANTIX pipettes, SCALIBOR and SERESTO collars, as well as puppy milk, chewing material for the dogs, blankets, toys that are sent in packages and also with paletts each 700kg/900kg.. Castrations are very important to avoid further suffering.
Teamer since: 24/11/2022
Auf unserem Lebenshof bieten wir unseren geretteten Schweinen ein liebevolles Zuhause. Weiterhin beraten wir zu Fragen der Haltung und helfen bei Vermittlungen. Unser Hof wird ausschließlich durch Spenden finanziert. Wir lieben unsere Tiere unendlich und tun alles um sie sicher, gesund und glücklich zu sehen!
Teamer since: 28/12/2022
We're a wild animal rescue, rehabilitation and reintroduction center located in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Despite being one of the country's reference centers for animals victims of wildlife traffiking, we don't receive any donation from the government, and the number of animals to be rehabilitated is increasing. Help us with 1€ monthly to continue releasing those who can return to their natural habitats and to give all the love to those who can't. We have to be their voice. They need you.
Teamer since: 28/02/2023
SOS Podenco Rescue saves podencos from the streets and from killing stations, gives them vet treatment, and finds them a forever home. Our only purpose is to fight for this wonderful breed that is ignored and not wanted in Spain, as they are only considered huntils tools, not pets. SOS Podenco Rescue es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que salva a podencos de la calle y de las perreras en España, les proporcionamos cuidados veterinarios, y les buscamos adopciones responsables.
Teamer since: 28/02/2023
Help us Save Lives! Refugio Nuevo Hogar is a non-profit organization. Dedicated to rescuing and giving second chances at life to animals that are in a situation of abuse and/or abandonment We have a long road to full recovery and maintenance for our rescued and disabled pets, but we are committed to providing you with the best care for both physical health and emotional recovery.
Teamer since: 18/05/2023
We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?
Teamer since: 02/12/2023
Did you know that 5,000 people get sick with leukaemia each year in Spain, which is the most common childhood cancer, and that despite the progress made, we still lose one in four minors and half of adults? At the Josep Carreras Foundation we have been working for more than 30 years to make leukaemia a 100% curable disease, to find 100% compatible donors for everyone, and to make displaced patients feel at home. With your help, we are unstoppable.