Animal Rescue Albania ARSA

Animal Rescue Albania ARSA

45  Teamers
2.538 € recaudados

The purpose of Animal Rescue is to defend animal rights through rescuing, raising awareness, education, lobbying and activism. The animals we rescue are always the most difficult cases. We don't give up on our rescues. We make sure they get the best care and try the hardest to find adoptive homes or fostering. Most animals are adopted abroad through a strict adoption screening and a follow up process. We believe the stray population can only be fully controlled by spaying/neutering.

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Strays in Albania

Animal Rescue Albania

The purpose of Animal Rescue Albania is to defend animal rights through rescuing, raising awareness, education, lobbying and activism. Stray animals in Albania are mistreated every day. They are thrown in dumpsters as newborns, they are abandoned, abused, poisoned, tortured and killed. Some of them are used in illegal dog fighting competitions. We want to change this reality!

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Animal Rescue Albania ArSA
Animal Rescue Albania ArSA
Teaming Manager

15/06/2020 22:14 h

Siamo disperati.. abbiamo due cagnolini disabili..
aiutateci con solo 1€ al mese meno di un caffè!

Fate girare la voce

I nostri amati cani hanno bisogno di voi

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Animal Rescue Albania ArSA
Animal Rescue Albania ArSA
Teaming Manager

09/06/2018 18:45 h

Just today we found this extremely malnourished and hungry mother and 4 puppies. We could not turn our back on them so we opened the doors of our shelter despite being over our every limit. Please donate and share! Your donations will go towards food, vaccinations, spay/neuter for all of them, anti parasite treatment etc. Thank you!

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Animal Rescue Albania ArSA
Animal Rescue Albania ArSA
Teaming Manager

07/06/2018 16:44 h

Foto of Xhoni today.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
2.538 €
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Fecha de publicación

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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