Margit Seroka

Margit Seroka


Teamer de 4 Grups

Cada mes aporta 4 € a 4 Grups

Des del 16-03-2020 ha aportat 77 €

Grups on participa


3.291 € Recaptats

65 Teamers

Teamer des de:  16/03/2020


Ci occupiamo di cani abbandonati: accoglienza presso pensioni per cani, li "aggiustiamo" e li "ricicliamo" come cani da compagnia per sempre! Parallelamente facciamo prevenzione sterilizzando cani e gatti. Necessitiamo di aiuti concreti per continuare a cambiare vite!

3.121 € Recaptats

116 Teamers

Teamer des de:  20/08/2023

Tiernothilfe Zweite Chance e.V.

We are a German animal welfare association that has taken care of the suffering and plight of Romanian street dogs around Bucharest. These souls would have no chance of a normal life without any help. Thus, captured, mistreated and/or injured dogs and cats live in our Romanian reception centre and are provided there by our Romanian animal rights activist, medically cared for and cared for until we have found a new, suitable and loving home for her.

1.471 € Recaptats

57 Teamers

Teamer des de:  10/07/2024

Tieroase Wassenberg e.V. - Hilfe für rumänische Fellnasen

We are currently caring for around 100 rescued dogs in a private shelter in Fundulea / Romania. There are high monthly costs for food and medical care. We also carry out rescue operations from various killing stations in Romania and then try to find homes for the dogs in Germany. In order for us to succeed in the long term, we depend on animal lovers like you ❤

503.154 € Recaptats

14.272 Teamers

Teamer des de:  10/07/2024

Teamers 4 Teaming

A Teaming treballem cada dia perquè més de milers causes socials puguin fer els seus somnis possibles. Des que vam llançar Teaming, entre tots, hem aconseguit més de 50 milions d'euros íntegres per a elles. Teaming és 100% gratuït i sense cap mena de comissió gràcies a les donacions que rebem i als Teamers d'aquest Grup. El nostre somni és arribar a ser autosostenibles mitjançant els Teamers i no dependre de ningú més. Ajuda'ns a ajudar!