Teamer da: 14/10/2020
Edina spends all her time saving animals from the streets in Sarajevo. She is also a volunteer at Praca (horror) shelter where dogs do not get food, medical attention, water, etc. She tries to save as many as possible. In winter Edina feeds the strays at night. Edina has around 130 dogs and 90 cats under her care at pensions and tries to find them good homes. She cannot do this alone, please help her!
Teamer da: 14/10/2020
ProDogRomania ist ein eingetragener Verein, der sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Leben und Lebensqualität der Hunde in Rumänien (Baile Herculane und Ploiesti) zu schützen. Unsere Projekte: 1) Privates Tierheim von Mishu Stoica in BaileHerculane, Süd-West-Rumänien, ca. 300 Hunde 2) Städtisches Tierheim „Bucov“ in Ploiesti 70 km von Bukarest, ca. 2000 Hunde Kooperation mit Tierschützerinnen Mihaela Teodoru und Aniela Ghita 3) Privates Tierheim „Sanctuary of Hope“
Teamer da: 14/10/2020
Animal welfare goes beyond national borders. Every animal deserves a chance at a dignified life. The association operates a shelter in Tunari, Romania. A maximum of 140 dogs can currently be taken in and cared for there. We take care of dogs that have had an accident or are in need, and we constantly rescue animals from the so-called killing-shelters. In addition, we support and organize castration campaigns and maintain a Germany-wide network of around 100 foster homes.
Teamer da: 14/10/2020
Ich betreibe ganz allein eine ehrenamtliche Igelpflege und Auffangstation in Mittelhessen. Ziel ist Gesundung und somit Wiederauswilderung von kranken, verletzten Igeln . Auch werden bei mir verwaiste Igelsäuglinge aufgezogen und somit für die Freiheit vorbereitet. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Beratung laufen nebenbei, denn nur ein insgesamtes Umdenken kann die Igel, sowie deren Lebensraum vor dem Aussterben retten. Ich bin kein eingetragener Verein und arbeite somit komplett ehrenamtlich!
Teamer da: 09/11/2020
Because being a stray dog is being a dead dog!! We get them out of the streets, we treat them, we neuter and we vaccinate them. We shelter them, we feed them, we socialize them!! They need us while they're waiting for a FOREVER FAMILY!! For now, we are their ONLY FAMILY they've got! 200 dogs in shelter!! PLEASE DONATE!! ONE TEAMER can feed 2 dogs one day!! HUNDRED TEAMERS can feed 200 dogs one day!!
Teamer da: 21/11/2020
Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir provides safe refuge for over 900 former street dogs, 150 cats, and many rescued equines in the Agadir area. All donations will go to pay for the feeding, care and support of the animals in the refuge. Each month we have to find money to pay food bills, cover the wages of the minimal staff who care for the animals, fuel for the vehicle and any vet bills. If we have secure funding we can hire more staff and do more outreach and rescue work.
Teamer da: 12/12/2020
Good morning everyone, We have just created our association: Our Missions are: - Food aid, care and advice for all animals. In order to avoid abandonment, help people in precarious situations. - To assist and guide applicants in order to put them in touch with the appropriate structures for the animal's welfare. - Intervention with the elderly in a structure or sick people. - Feeding stray animals.
Teamer da: 30/01/2021
Pppeludos nace para luchar por todos los perros y por los mal llamados ppp, por los estigmatizados. No tenemos refugio propio, por lo que en su mayor parte tienen que ir a residencia que unido a los costes veterinarios hace que los gastos sean elevadisimos.Lo que se recaude será única y exclusivamente para gastos de nuestros perros en Jerez y otros que ayudemos en Andalucia (veterinarios, medicamentos, comida, etc...) Nos ayudas? Ellos te lo agradecerán!!!
Teamer da: 30/01/2021
The Benjamín Mehnert Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the situation of pet animals that suffer abuse or neglect in our country, focusing mainly on the rescue, recovery and relocation of greyhounds in family homes, providing them a new opportunity as pets. Although mainly we are dedicated to the recovery of greyhounds, currently in our refuge live more than 700 animals...
Teamer da: 30/01/2021
Wir beherbergen ca 300 Tiere, nur ca 30 von ihnen haben einen Paten der die Kosten für Futter und Verpflegung auffängt.Dieses Projekt ist durch die fehlende Unterstützung sehr im Wanken.Wir möchten nicht schließen-die Tiere brauchen uns!Bei uns wohnen viele Tiere mit Behinderungen, bis hin zu querschnittsgelähmten Tieren und einige Rettungen sind schwere Notfälle die dringend medizinisch versorgt werden müssen und einen geschützten Raum benötigen. Gebt auch den Tieren Tunesiens eine Stimme
Teamer da: 30/01/2021
As per Guinnes Book of World Rekords the Smeura is bearing the mournful title of being the biggest animal shelter of the world. Around 5400 dogs and 600 puppies need around 2.7 tonnes food per day. The staff members are doing an inconceivable job - organizationally, physically and emotionally. Driving around with a castration van and pushing the clearing up of the locals. Every euro is needed. There are some pictures in the project description.
Teamer da: 30/01/2021
This group is for all our dogs rescued from the massive shooting and poisoning happening in Marrakech (Morocco), we raise funds to get dogs to safety and pay pensions to the shelter keeping them ( non-profit organization Arche de Noé Marrakech ). The fund raised are therefore used to pay their monthly sponsorship and veterinary treatment ( neutering-vaccination etc- injuries treatments and hospitalization of need to be etc ). So far we saved 36, only 15 are treated and put in safety ).
Teamer da: 30/01/2021
The abandoned animals in Tangier (Morocco) need our help!! SFT provides shelter and care for hundreds of animal, both those in the shelter and in the streets. This is our teaming group. Please, hep us with a small montly donation of 1 € , 1 USD, 1 GBP....
Teamer da: 19/02/2021
Towards the end of 2020 LCsP|SARA rescued 51 puppies who were living in very poor conditions in the Commune Dog Pound in Agadir. These poor puppies were doomed and it broke our heart to leave them there.... so we rescued them. Since then we have visited regularly and rescued all the puppies we can. The puppies need to ber vaccinated, neutered when they get older, kept healthy and happy... then rehomed.
Teamer da: 15/03/2021
The Beldi Refuge is a dog rescue and shelter for needy stray dogs in the rif mountains of Morocco. We are completely dependent on the friendly help of others to operate the refuge, to take care of the animals and to be able to take in new ones. Even those who have little can be here to help the animals in Morocco! We are many! ❤️
Teamer da: 17/03/2021
La ferme des Zanimobiles est une association de protection des animaux de la ferme. Nous récupérons des chevreaux et des agneaux issus de fromagerie et destinés à l'abattoir, des poules de réforme, animaux retraités, maltraités, abandonnés..... Nous avons environ cent cinquante animaux (chèvres, chevaux, poneys, moutons, poules, lapins…)
Teamer da: 02/04/2021
Since March 2020, Le Coeur sur la Patte|Sunshine Animal Refuge has been sending bags of dog food to help feed the street dogs in Taghazout and Agadir. SARA has over 1200 animals to feed in their refuge, but do what they can to help dogs on the street. It is costing us nearly 300€ each month. We rely 100% on donations to care for all the animals that we can. Please help by donating just 1€ per month. Thank you
Teamer da: 26/04/2021
ARTGERECHT IST NUR DIE FREIHEIT! Egal ob Maus oder Hirsch - niemals sagen wir nein, wenn ein Tier in Not ist. 24h Bereitschaft, uns ist kein Baum zu hoch, kein See zu tief, kein Problem zu groß und auch kein Wetter zu schlecht. Wir verfügen über alle notwendigen Sachkundenachweise...und wir brauchen dringend Unterstützung... Bitte helft uns!
Teamer da: 08/06/2021
We work together towards a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued. El Refugio del Burrito is actively involved in causes that encourage the application and improvement of existing laws regarding animal welfare and the promotion of education and awareness campaigns about responsible equine ownership and expert care.
Teamer da: 27/06/2021
I am karim, I intervene in Marrakech with a group of volunteers to help the animals of Morocco since 2015. I come to you to support the L'Arche de Noé association which helps domestic and wild animals in distress (amputees, blind, burned, etc.). In addition, we act through our food distributions for dogs, cats and street horses. Our sterilization campaigns make it possible to reduce the reproduction of street animals. Suivez our actions quoted on our Facebook page:
Teamer da: 10/12/2021
Pour l'adoption des chiens de la fourrière de Bečej située en Serbie. L'Amour n'a pas de frontières et ils ont besoin de VOUS ! Association française déclarée en préfecture W691080916.
Teamer da: 21/03/2022
This is a sanctuary to help abused & abandoned horses and other species. Live 64 equines and other animals in the sanctuary. The approximate cost per horse per month is 120 euros if they are in good health; if there are not, the amount can go up to a few hundreds of euros and even thousands. We do not have any public subsidy and we NEED YOU THE FINANCIAL HELP TO CONTINUE HELPING THEM. For those who can make some contribution please do so at: IBAN acc. num. IBAN ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677
Teamer da: 11/07/2022
Ci sono molti cani feriti nel traffico intorno ad Agadir e spesso le ferite non vengono curate fino a troppo tardi. Abbiamo molti cani a 3 zampe o paralizzati nei nostri rifugi. Questi cani si adattano molto bene alla loro situazione e sono alcuni dei nostri cani più felici. Ma ci sono costi aggiuntivi nel prendersi cura di loro, non solo quando arrivano e hanno bisogno di cure mediche. Abbiamo bisogno del tuo sostegno per rendere la vita più facile a tutti loro.
Teamer da: 13/07/2022
Les animaux n’ont malheureusement pas le pouvoir de demander de l’aide. C’est pourquoi l’association Le Grand Coeur de Lola agit au quotidien pour les défendre, les soigner, les accueillir dans des familles d'accueil , les soigner leur redonner confiance en lhumain selon leur vecu pour ensuite leur trouver une nouvelle famille qui correspondra a leurs besoins. Toutes ces actions sont possibles grâce à votre soutien inconditionnel. Merci pour les sans voix
Teamer da: 13/08/2022
L'association l'Arche de Ploum à pour but de venir en aide aux chats errants, de stériliser, de nourrir et d'améliorer leur condition de vie. Nous prenons en charge aussi les chatons et chats abandonné quand ceci est possible, nous n'avons pas de refuge et ne fonctionnons que par famille d'accueil. De l'aide est toujours la bienvenue.
Teamer da: 24/11/2022
Notre objectif : sauver, soigner et trouver une famille à tous ces loulous oubliés des rues de Roumanie Nous sommes rattachés à l'association "Loulous sauvés in extremis".