Massive killing of dogs rescues Marrakech

Massive killing of dogs rescues Marrakech

6  Teamers
359 € recaudados

This group is for all our dogs rescued from the massive shooting and poisoning happening in Marrakech (Morocco), we raise funds to get dogs to safety and pay pensions to the shelter keeping them ( non-profit organization Arche de Noé Marrakech ). The fund raised are therefore used to pay their monthly sponsorship and veterinary treatment ( neutering-vaccination etc- injuries treatments and hospitalization of need to be etc ). So far we saved 36, only 15 are treated and put in safety ).

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Morocco dogs culling rescues

Arche de Noé

This group is for all our dogs rescued from the massive shooting and poisoning happening in Marrakech (Morocco), we raise funds to get dogs to safety and pay pensions to the shelter keeping them ( non-profit organization Arche de Noé Marrakech ). The fund raised are therefore used to pay their monthly sponsorship and veterinary treatment ( neutering-vaccination etc- injuries treatments and hospitalization of need to be etc ). So far we saved 36, only 15 are treated and put in safety ).

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Yasmina Jouhri
Teaming Manager

21/01/2020 11:39 h

Her name is Eva. she wa captured while she was pregnant. she almost got forcefully poisonned. we got her out in time. after delivering 7 pups and breasfeeding them, she was neutered, vaccinated and treated(internally and externally). she is 1 year old or so. her sponsorship is 57e per month, neutering 100e ( post-labor ), and both vaccines and treatment 15e each. she is safe at l'arche de noé shelter.

Son nom est Eva. Elle a été capturée alors qu'elle etait pleine ( enceinte). a été forcée d'avaler du poison mais on l'a fait relacher à temps. aprs avoir mis à bats ses 7 chiots, elle a été stérilisée a 100e ( post accouchement) , vaccinée et vermifugée+deparasitée (15e x 2 ). sa pension est egalement à 57e par mois. Elle se trouve au refuge de l'ARCE DE NOE marrakech

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
359 €
Ya hemos donado:
359 €
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Defensa de los animales


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