Leyre Jiménez Alberdi

Leyre Jiménez Alberdi

Madrid, Spagna

Teamer in 5 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 5 € a 5 Gruppi

Da 25-05-2016 ha contribuito 569 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


14.416 € Totale raccolto

138 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/05/2016

RAINFER: Ayuda a Boris

This orangutan lived years of exploitation in a circus since he was little and was later sold to zoos. Due to poor care, he suffers from many chronic health problems that require daily medication for life, as well as supplements to boost his weak immune system. Among these, he suffers from the beginning of diabetes, for which we offer him a special diet adapted to his needs; rhinitis, a disease that affects the respiratory tract, and leishmaniosis; It needs care! Can you help us?

17.715 € Totale raccolto

146 Teamer

Teamer da:  15/08/2017


Gombe was found in a garbage can when he was a baby and has always suffered from adjustment problems with his kind due to suffering from a rare neurological disease: Alien Hand Syndrome. This disease is degenerative, and requires several daily medications, such as antiepileptics and tranquilizers, which will increase throughout his life, to control these crises and improve his quality of life. The cost of all the medication is €200/month. Will you help us so that Gombe does not suffer?

8.045 € Totale raccolto

161 Teamer

Teamer da:  29/08/2018


INTOCATBLES. GATOPOLIS, formerly Gatos de Madrid, collaborates in the management of feline colonies. Specialized in Capture, Sterilization and Return. We have grouped together to be able to continue sterilizing in CAÑADA REAL, to be able to give the kittens a better life. We have 20 feeding points and more than 450 cats in our care. Help us. R Face: https://www.facebook.com/GatosdeMadridCES/ DONATIONS: OWNER: GATOS DE MADRID. INTOCATBLES. GATOPOLIS ES51 0073 0100 5005 0636 2920.

2.642 € Totale raccolto

62 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/10/2018

SPAP Sociedad Protectora de Animales y Plantas de Madrid

Somos una sociedad no subvencionada, que lleva más de ochenta años dedicada a promover respeto, protección y defensa de los animales. Nuestro equipo de profesionales de gran calidad humana lucha contra el abandono y acoge en sus instalaciones animales abandonados con el fin de buscarles un nuevo hogar. Actualmente residen en nuestro albergue "San Francisco de Asís" más de 400 perros y gatos. Conócenos en nuestra web: www.spap.net Donaciones: ES68 2100 1322 2113 0033 8765 Gracias por tu ayuda

1.212 € Totale raccolto

21 Teamer

Teamer da:  26/02/2019


CES en Torres de la Alameda. Con el respaldo del Ayuntamiento y la policía local, Vida Gatuna Torresana somos una Asociación sin ánimo lucro. Consiste en practicar el método CES (CAPTURAR-ESTERILIZAR-SOLTAR) Los gatos gestionados se identifican por un corte leve en una de sus orejas. Todo esto sin gastos para el vecindario, pues Vida Gatuna Torresana, se autofinancia a través de voluntariado y donaciones desinteresadas, por eso necesitamos tu AYUDA.