Jacky Tanamera

Valencia, España

Teaming manager de 2 Grupos

Teamer de 2 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 4 € a 4 Grupos

Desde el 19-07-2015 ha aportado 262 €

Grupos que lidera


108 € Recaudados

3 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  26/03/2017

Tanamera Dog Rescue and Sanctuary

Help us rescue the hunting dogs of Spain.

13.478 € Recaudados

195 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  26/03/2017

TANAMERA Hunting Dog Rescue

Tanamera rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes Spanish hunting dogs. Without exception, they enter our shelter being only skin and bones and food is their first need. Our refuge suffers to pay the food bill for our dogs, that often need special food (liver / heart problems, recovery & puppy food). On average we need 335 euros PER MONTH to be able to give them the food they need. We need your help to ensure we can feed our dogs, not only today, but every month. Please help us feed them. Thank you!

Grupos en los que participa


4.954 € Recaudados

78 Teamers

Teamer desde:  08/02/2019

Javea Feral Cat Association

La vida para los gatos callejeros de Jávea puede ser un desafío y, sin controlar la población, ésta crece rápidamente. Como organización legal y oficial sin fines de lucro, utilizamos el método humano de atrapar, castrar y devolver para tratar de evitar que nazcan tantos gatitos en las calles. Hasta la fecha se han esterilizado más de 6.000 gatos. Ayudamos a gatos salvajes enfermos heridos y contamos con un equipo de voluntarios que alimentan nuestras numerosas colonias.

615 € Recaudados

39 Teamers

Teamer desde:  10/02/2025

Catland Javea

We are building a shelter for cats and kittens that would otherwise be living on the streets. Catland Javea is an official non-profit association. We are working with a registered veterinarian under a full zoological license. Catland will offer shelter to a maximum of 120 cats at a time. Cats that can live as house pets, will be offered for rehoming. Those that cannot, will remain in the shelter under a no-kill policy. More information: catlandjavea.com