Teaming Manager dal: 04/02/2018
Seelen für Seelchen ist eine ehrenamtliche Organisation, die drei rumänische Tierheime, genannt Shelter unterstützt. Insgesamt versorgen wir rund 510 Hunde. Alle diese Hunde müssen gefüttert , kastriert, geimpft und medizinisch versorgt werden. Darüber hinaus führen wir Kastrationskampagnen durch, um das Elend auf Dauer einzudämmen. Und natürlich vermitteln wir auch geeignete, gesunde Hunde nach Deutschland. Bitte helfen Sie uns helfen.
Teaming Manager dal: 10/02/2018
Wir sind ein eingetragener Verein und wollen nicht weiter zuschauen das in Golesti Focsani einem öffentlichen Tierheim in Rumänien Straßenhunde getötet werden. Ziel ist es, das öffentliche Tierheim zu übernehmen, den Hunden ein gerechtes Leben zu ermöglichen, sie medizinisch zu versorgen und ein neues Heim für sie zu finden. Die Kastration der Hunde hat oberste Priorität. Wir brauchen euch um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, bitte spendet. Mit nur 1€ pro Monat können wir Großes erreichen.
Teaming Manager dal: 09/06/2019
Tierhilfe Bruno e.V. is a young registered association that aims to improve the lives and quality of life of dogs in Romania. On-site help in Romania is in the foreground for us. We financially support the Bruno Shelter which has about 120 dogs with maintenance of the shelter, as well as with all the regular costs such as food, veterinary care and castrations.
Teamer da: 22/01/2018
Our animal rescue centre is one of a kind. We need your help to feed and take care of over 200 animals, including horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, tortoises, peacocks and chickens, that live in semi-freedom, as well as other animals in need of our urgent help. Smile with Us. Join our Family.
Teamer da: 22/01/2018
I want to help “Saving the Street Dogs”, a group created to help the street dogs in Romania and Bosnia, and to rescue those that are in public shelters. Marin-Natasa Ivanovic cares for a constant number of dogs that she has rescued, that need continued food and veterinary care. With the support of other volunteers Marin prepares the rescued dogs for foster and rehoming in various countries. The group relies donations and I hope this Teaming group will ensure a regular income can be generated.
Teamer da: 26/01/2018
Our Animal Rescue Centre, Every Horse in the World, creates this second group for urgent cases. We remind you that besides horses we have dogs, cats, birds, ferrets that need your help. Smile with Us, Join our Family.
Teamer da: 16/02/2018
Help for Strays e.V. is a Germany-based non profit organisation which supports the private animal shelter "Riska" in Belgrade, Serbia. It is home to approx. 250 dogs and 30 cats. The shelter feeds the animals and provides medical care. It is financed through donations only. Your donations contributes so that the shelter can stay the refuge and hope for Belgrades strays.
Teamer da: 19/02/2018
Non profit Romanian shelter of Laura Fincu which save strays en arrange adoptions
Teamer da: 24/03/2018
We are a young association that has set itself the task of tackling the road dog problem in Romania. To achieve this, we volunteer to take care of two shelters. It is also planned to offer castration campaigns, so that in combination with owner dog castrations Romania is road-clear as soon as possible. You see, there is much to do and we hope for your support to continue providing our dogs with food, medical care and castration.