Stray Animal Rescue

Stray Animal Rescue

4  Teamers
647 € recaudados

Non profit Romanian shelter of Laura Fincu which save strays en arrange adoptions

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Food for Stray Animal Rescue Laura Fincu

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Deze stichting zorgt voor honderden honden die op straat zijn gezet door de lokale bevolking. Zij zijn een non profit org. en hebben geld nodig voor het steriliseren van deze honden. Al geef je maar € 1,- per maand en deel deel deel 100 mensen van € 1,- = € 100 This shelter is taking care of 100 dogs which has been put on the street bij de local people, they are a non profit organisation & needs money for sterilsation monthley please donate € 1,- a month & help the poor strays of Romania

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Últimos comentarios

Marjolein Luijten-van der tas
Marjolein Luijten-van der tas
Teaming Manager

10/09/2022 05:39 h

Hi, Teaming is going to stop. I have arranged the amount to be sent to my account then I will sent this to Laura. So you can stop donating 1€ to teaming. Thanks for your help. Kind regards Marjolein

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Marjolein Luijten-van der tas
Marjolein Luijten-van der tas
Teaming Manager

18/11/2015 14:03 h

Dear Teamers,
Thanks for joining the teamer group for Laura, you can see yourself how many we rais every month.
Hope we will have more teamers soon so please spread the word for all the good work form Lauar & her team.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
647 €
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Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


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