hazel jones

Reino Unido

Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 3 € a 3 Grupos

Desde el 17-12-2013 ha aportado 158 €

Grupos que lidera


6.361 € Recaudados

64 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  17/12/2013

Elephant Nature Park - micro don Europe -

Elephant Nature Park EN : is a sanctuary located at Chiang Mai - Thailand - managed by Lek Chailert who rescues abused and mistreated elephants to give them freedom and happyness until the end of their life. FR : est un sanctuaire situé à Chiang Mai - Thailand - dirigée par Lek Chailert qui sauve des éléphants maltraités et torturés pour leur offrir liberté et tendresse jusqu'à la fin de leur vie.

Grupos en los que participa


228 € Recaudados

3 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/02/2021

Kuşadası Hayvan Kurtama Derneği ( Turkish Language)

ARK is a charity registered in Turkey. We fund the treatment of sick and injured street animals, neuter as many as we can catch and feed the starving. Our volunteers also work in the municipal animal shelter. During the pandemic we have been unable to hold any fundraising events and are entirely dependent on the kindness and generosity of our donors. Our registered name in Turkey is Kuşadası Hayvan Kurtama Derneği Facebook group Animal Rescue Kusadasi Web https://animalrescuekusadasi.org

1.408 € Recaudados

23 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/06/2021

Wan Mai, baby elephant girl rescued by Lek Chailert at ENP

Rachetée par Lek Chailert, Wan Mai et sa mère Mae Mai, sont depuis le 7 juin, à Elephant Nature Park Chiang Mai Thailande. Cette petite ne subira jamais la torture pour travailler dans les camps à touristes. Si vous souhaitez suivre ses péripéties, rejoignez nous sur facebook "My name is Wan Mai my life changed when I arrived at ENP 7 june 2020"

2.861 € Recaudados

29 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/04/2024

HELP Teddy Alex Shelter Romania (140 dogs & cats)

Freelance Translator & Interpreter of English & Italian, running also the Teddy Alex Shelter- a safe place and home for 140 dogs and cats, 70 km away of Bucharest in România We must raise at least €7000-8000\month to cover food, rent, vets, transports, treatments, garbage, fuel, etc PayPal saraualexandra@yahoo.com Thank you