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5 Resultats per la recerca de: «harambee»
Sense província específica
La Unitat Especial Fumbini és una escola pública a Kènia que és llogada per una associació que dona suport a nens discapacitats. Les famílies molt pobres, en particular, no es poden permetre cadires de rodes, i molt menys pagar les taxes escolars d'aquests infants especials. Per això, l'associació GABEKA (Harambee a Àustria) dona suport a les famílies perquè els nens puguin viure una vida digna. Què fem: Compra de cadires de rodes, cofinançament de teràpies, suport amb el subministrament d Saber-ne més
Recaptat: 510 €
36 Teamers
It mainly affects the POOREST of the POOREST. Heat and drought, especially Kenya in many regions of Africa, have been hit hardest. The organization GAPEKA (in Austria HARAMBEE) helps not only the children and families in their school, but also members of the community and regularly distributes food parcels and helps with water supply - provision of water and financing of wells. Saber-ne més
Recaptat: 537 €
35 Teamers
In Kenya, we enable children from the poorest backgrounds to attend a school (Kilifi Vonwald School), which was built by us, and help families to help themselves and lead a dignified life. Our current projects focus on our two main topics for the next few years – water and sustainable resource utilization (energy/agriculture) and – since the state requires schools to decide on certain specializations and we are committed to Saber-ne més
Recaptat: 535 €
34 Teamers
Charity visits the baby class of the Hope Integrated School in Kilifi/Kenya, a partner school of the Kilifi Vonwald School. ( Charity has recently lost her sponsor and is looking for a new sponsor(s). We want to pay the school fees in this group for the time until they have new sponsors. Since there are always children who do not have godparents, we will then introduce a new child for whom we will use the money. Saber-ne més
Recaptat: 619 €
40 Teamers
We would like to support a group of special children. These children are physically or mentally disabled and are cared for in a boarding house during school hours. They are also taught there. The families have to pay for the food and all the necessary things, but unfortunately there is little money and sometimes no interest. That's why we want to make life a little easier for these children with regular food deliveries and put a smile on their faces. Saber-ne més
Recaptat: 161 €