Afecta principalmente a los MÁS POBRES de los POBRES. El calor y la sequía, especialmente Kenia en muchas regiones de África, han sido los más afectados. La organización GAPEKA (en Austria HARAMBEE) ayuda no solo a los niños y las familias en su escuela, sino también a los miembros de la comunidad y distribuye regularmente paquetes de alimentos y ayuda con el suministro de agua: suministro de agua y financiación de pozos. Con solo 1€ podrás apoyar este proyecto único.
Wir sammeln um einzelne Menschen oder Gemeinden bei der Versorgung mit Wasser und Lebensmittel zu unterstützen. Ebenso den Bau von Brunnen.
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An important component of our work is the future-oriented support of our children's families – helping them to help themselves in the best sense of the word. In rural Kenya, where we are active, agriculture can help particularly profoundly. For two years we have been employing a teacher and project manager for agriculture, our David. Agriculture is one of the elective subjects at our secondary school and is chosen by about a quarter of the students every year. We have a well-designed model farm that supplies our school kitchen with fresh vegetables and fruit. In the school's own tree nursery, the plants are brought forward, which then beautify our school grounds. In February 2023, Ms. Vonwald bought another neighboring property for this purpose, where agriculture was started. We try to take into account the topics of renewable energies, organic farming and the use of water resources.
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Ayuda a enfermos
Infancia y Juventud
Teaming Manager
02/01/2025 06:21 h
Happy New Year
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