Teaming manager de 1 Grupos
Teamer de 1 Grupos
Cada mes aporta: 2 € a 2 Grupos
Desde el 05-09-2022 ha aportado 44 €
Teaming Manager desde: 01/05/2023
Colonia felina in provincia di Bologna di circa 80 ra-gatti. Purtroppo vivono liberi in strada, alcuni anche in condizioni di pericolo. Con questo gruppo raccoglieremo fondi per cercare di dare un futuro migliore a queste creature, oltre a garantire sempre cibo e cure veterinarie se ce ne fosse bisogno.
Teamer desde: 05/09/2022
This teaming group was created to give cats and stray animals the opportunity to no longer have to die of hardship and disease. The aim is to sterilise, feed and care for the cats living in Watamu in Kenya, where kittens destined for certain death continue to proliferate. The first contributions have allowed us to start a large shelter, we trust in your help to be able to complete it as soon as possible and today we must continue the work on the staff house and the veterinary clinic.