Si no ets del Grup, uneix-te i ajuda'ls amb 1€ al mes
Si ets del Grup, accedeix al teu perfil Teaming
We are in the middle of the high season and we get many reports of orphaned kittens and sick or injured cats. So at the moment there is no time for castrations but the emphasis is on care and treatment.
Since we started Teaming we have raised € 135 which is good for 3-4 castrations.
This sounds likea drop in the ocean but still every sterilised female cat is 4-8 kittens per year less.
To do more we need more Teamers. So please ask family, friends, collegues to join and then we can do so much more.
Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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