Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Nellys Trust

Teamers : 8

Récolté : 1 €

Actualisation sur la cause
Clive Bevan
Clive Bevan, Teaming Manager, le 07/11/2023  à 06:25h

Hello All,

Just a quick update from us here at Nelly's Trust. We have started to TNR again now the summer chaos has ended and we can actually get on a ferry again to go to the vet on the mainland. We have about 25-30 cats to take that have been dumped over the summer, luckily some of them have found homes in the village, while the rest are being looked after at the various feeding stations.

The street cats generally are in good health as we approach winter, we will be replacing all of the rugs in the shelters at the main feeding station soon ahead of winter and adding a new improved feeding platform that will keep the food dry if it's raining.

Your monthly donations really do add up, so a massive thank you!! We are trying to expand our teaming group as regular donations make a really big difference to us.

All the very best

Team Nelly :)

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