Florence BEJUY

Florence BEJUY


Teamer de 2 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 2 € a 2 Grupos

Desde el 09-04-2017 ha aportado 127 €

Grupos en los que participa


2.510 € Recaudados

15 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/04/2017

Un Avenir Pour un Pur-Sang

The association "Un Avenir Pour un Pur-Sang" exists since 2015, and is specialized in the rescue of horses. Our goal is to get them back before they go to the slaughterhouses, then to put them back on their feet (care, work ...) to place them with a good family. There are veterinary fees, the blacksmith (between 40 € and 90 €), the purchase of straw / hay / granulated (25kg bag = 16 €). € 1 per month is a small donation for you, but a lot for us.

6.923 € Recaudados

111 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/04/2022

Association Cheval Espoir 38

The Association Cheval Espoir 38 has been fighting since 2009 to hear the silent neighing of thousands of equids driven to the slaughterhouse, mistreated, or abandoned in terrible conditions. The refuge has 30 hectares of meadows where animals can recover, but without your help the association can not survive. The 13 residents of the shelter need you for daily care, fresh veto, food. 1 € / month is nothing but multiplied by 20, 50 or 200 it's huge.