Teaming Manager since: 13/09/2017
AMFIJU, is a non-profit entity. Our economic resources depend on donations from partners and different entities. Defends the improvement of the living conditions of people with physical and / or organic disabilities who live in the municipality of Jumilla and their families. And your collaboration will allow us to continue our work in favor of people with disabilities. Because people with disabilities also count and contribute to society.
Teamer since: 06/05/2016
Necesitamos ayuda para poder seguir atendiendo a todos los animales que son abandonados en el término municipal de Jumilla (Murcia), casi 500 en el año 2012. Necesitan vacunas, medicamentos, operaciones, consultas veterinarias, pienso... De la calle a un hogar CON TU AYUDA. ¡Podemos ayudarles!
Teamer since: 20/09/2017
Somos un grupo de amantes de los animales en Murcia. Llevamos bastante tiempo ayudando a animales maltratados y abandonados y tambien colaborando económicamente haciendo donaciones a protectoras y santuarios. Nos gustaría salvar más vidas pero los gastos veterinarios y alimentación son muy elevados. Por tan sólo 1 euro puedes ayudar a salvar más vidas. Con tu granito de arena haremos una montaña. Instagram @leonaanimal
Teamer since: 14/05/2018
HAZTE TEAMER Y AYUDA A NUESTRAS HUELLITAS. Las donaciones irán íntegramente para cubrir los gastos veterinarios mientras esperan a su familia definitiva. No tenemos albergue ni subvenciones, por lo que funcionamos exclusivamente con las aportaciones solidarias. Por desgracia, la mayoría de nuestras huellitas son casos extremos que necesitan mucha ayuda. Anímate, hazte teamer por 1€ al mes y cuéntaselo a otros para que se unan también. ¡Muchas gracias por tu colaboración!
Teamer since: 16/11/2018
We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?
Teamer since: 04/05/2019
Galgos del Sol is a non profit charity located in Murcia, Spain. We are dedicated to rescue abandoned and injured galgos to rehabilitate them and find them forever homes in different parts of the world. Thousands of galgos are abandoned or killed each year at the end of the hunting season. Galgos del Sol depends totally on donations for our survival, join our group and change the lives of many of them. Thank you.
Teamer since: 11/02/2020
Non-profit animal protection association dedicated to the rescue and care of dogs and cats mostly abandoned or retired from hunting, in addition to providing veterinary care. We also defend animal rights and denounce the bad acts against them. In these moments, building our animal shelter, since we work with shelters. We will not be able to save the world, but we can save the world from many of them.
Teamer since: 27/08/2020
Asociación creada para la gestión ética de colonias felinas de Almansa mediante el método CER (Captura/ Esterilizacion/ Retorno) y para la promoción de adopciones responsables para los gatos vulnerables
Teamer since: 13/08/2021
Soy julio, atiendo una colonia en cuenca ciudad, tengo unos 30 gatos( 3 mas en mi casa) llevo 12 años atendiéndolos, han pasado muchos muchos año a año, siempre lo hemos dado tanto mi mujer como yo, todo por ellos, de unos años para esta parte quedamos sin trabajo y la cosa se complicó, es mucho mucho el gasto en comida y no nos llega, solicitamos ayuda para poder comprar pienso y en la medida q podamos, volver a esterilizar gatas. Muchas gracias
Teamer since: 17/08/2022
The Dravet Syndrome Foundation transforms lives affected by this rare and severe childhood disease described in 1978. Dravet syndrome, a severe myoclonic epilepsy with mutations in the SCN1A gene, causes frequent seizures, developmental delays, orthopedic problems, speech difficulties, autism spectrum disorders, and growth and nutrition issues. We offer emotional support, research, and awareness efforts to bring hope. Join us and be the change!
Teamer since: 14/02/2024
I'm Martin, they call me Tintin, I'm 2 years old. I was born with some malformations and one of them was a cleft lip, for which they operated on me when I was 3 months old. They had given my parents full assurance that it would be a simple operation, but something went wrong and I ended up in the Ucip with mechanical ventilation and deep sedation, and one day, they accidentally extubate me and I went into cardiorespiratory arrest for 15 min, and because of that accident I have cerebral palsy.