Teamer desde: 27/02/2020
Those Group ist created to Support Konstantina Peyou in her daily fight for the survivalof her small private Shelter in Volos, Greece. Because IT IS a daily struggle for a animal rights activist to Always have enough food and medicine for the animals
Teamer desde: 25/01/2022
Salomon's Park is located in Italy-Imperia. It is located in an oak forest where 1400 square meters have been fenced-in. Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters and mice from the laboratories live here, as well as abused, abandoned, sick and old animals. Marita Muller was born in Berlin and built this park with the help of her husband Augusto Nori. For about 15 years she has devoted herself exclusively to animal welfare and painting (, stage name Coma).
Teamer desde: 03/02/2022
Meist sind es die Schwächsten und Wehrlosesten, Kranke und Behinderte, die in Krisengebieten am meisten leiden. Das gilt auch für Tiere. Unsere Organisation möchte ihr Elend lindern, widmet sich den Härtefällen, den kranken, verletzten Tieren, die in ihrem Heimatland keinerlei Chance auf Vermittlung haben.Unser Ziel ist die Unterstützung von Partnerorganisationen und privaten Helfern vor Ort, die Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Dabei brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe !
Teamer desde: 07/02/2022
Vrouva Farm is a safe haven for old, abandoned and abused animals on the island of Aegina, Greece. Alexia Papagianni says:"We don't care about different species but are one caring community." On the farm, cows and chicks, dogs and cats, horses and donkeys and many more live together peacefully - at least, most of the time, small communication troubles pending ;-)
Teamer desde: 20/05/2023
Nuestra asociación tiene como objetivo mantener un refugio de 400 perros que cuidamos y tratamos diariamente. Somos la única esperanza para estos perros y necesitamos tu apoyo para seguir a su lado.