Daniela Suntinger

Daniela Suntinger


Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Teamer in 15 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 14 € a 14 Gruppi

Da 12-03-2018 ha contribuito 577 €

Gruppi che amministra


11.092 € Totale raccolto

600 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   03/09/2021

Flori and Friends

Our small association supports the Romanian animal rights activist Flori in Galati in the rescue, care and accommodation of appr. 400 street dogs. Flori is an animal rights activist with heart and soul. We help her with the care and placement of her dogs in a better life. Now a new shelter has to be built. Thanks to the tireless help of the sponsors and loyal donors, the dogs have been cared for so far. Only with your help can we manage to continue.

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


3.950 € Totale raccolto

70 Teamer

Teamer da:  12/03/2018

TSV Notpfötchen e.V.

Wir sind ein eingetragener Verein und wollen nicht weiter zuschauen das in Golesti Focsani einem öffentlichen Tierheim in Rumänien Straßenhunde getötet werden. Ziel ist es, das öffentliche Tierheim zu übernehmen, den Hunden ein gerechtes Leben zu ermöglichen, sie medizinisch zu versorgen und ein neues Heim für sie zu finden. Die Kastration der Hunde hat oberste Priorität. Wir brauchen euch um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, bitte spendet. Mit nur 1€ pro Monat können wir Großes erreichen.

10.708 € Totale raccolto

230 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/03/2020

Help for Ukrainian animals

We support 2 projects , in the cities of Chuguev, Kherson . It is important for us to carry out active animal protection in our own country, our priorities are neutering whether of roads – animals as well as of animals of private persons. Raising awareness to give the animals a voice. We build quarantine & infirmary, animal welfare is just as important to us as humanitarian aid, because this is the only way it can work, “NOT ONE, BUT TONE”

4.178 € Totale raccolto

99 Teamer

Teamer da:  25/09/2020

Ein Leben für Hunde aus dem Alexandria Killing Shelter

This collection supports the rescue and the already rescued dogs from the killing home of Alexandria in Romania. The follow-up costs are high and many dogs need at least time, if not professional help, because they are completely scared. Accommodation, medical care, coaches etc. must be financed. Only with time, effort and effort can these dogs, after their nightmares to kill them, be prepared under human custody for a beautiful dog life.

4.029 € Totale raccolto

78 Teamer

Teamer da:  13/01/2021

ANIMALS IN NEED - Sarajevo - Bosnien

We rescue abandoned, needy dogs and house them in private pensions. They are treated medically. Necessary operations or therapies are performed. We bear the entire costs of medical treatment, pension and food supply. Very traumatized dogs stay with us for a long time until they are ready for adoption. We take great care in looking for loving homes for adoptable dogs.

558 € Totale raccolto

12 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/04/2021

Hik Kaffeezeit für obdachlose

Bei einem Kaffee quatsch sich gemütlicher und er wärmt noch. Hier könnt ihr mit einem Euro unsere mobile soziale Arbeit unterstützen . Für den reinen Streetwork wollen wir für die obdachlosen im Gespräch gerne einen Kaffee an verteilen.Dazu braucht es die Becher ,den Kaffee,Trockenmilch ,Zucker und Stäbchen zum rühren sowie Löffel zum portionieren . Mit einem Euro könnt ihr dabei helfen das wir dieses Angebot weiter an bieten können . Wir sagen Danke für jeden Euro

14.651 € Totale raccolto

251 Teamer

Teamer da:  18/04/2021

Never Walk Alone e.V.

We are a charity that looks after suffering animals in greece.we are currently feeding approximately 3000 dogs who live in shelters ( thessaloniki komotoni koani,giannitsa) where the animals are cared for with food and medical attention and where the dogs are also spayed and neutered whenever possible.Due to the sheer numbers of dogs in need we also rely heavily on foster places which we also have to pay for.for all this and more we are in desperate need of help!

4.487 € Totale raccolto

108 Teamer

Teamer da:  16/06/2021


ESMA has been a registered non-profit animal welfare association based in Cairo since 2007. The goal is to help suffering dogs and cats: 1.) injured, sick, poisoned, malnourished and abused strays as well as abandoned pets are admitted to their shelter and medically cared for. It is tried to find a loving home for these souls. 2.) Castration campaigns are intended to reduce the overpopulation of stray dogs.

1.062 € Totale raccolto

24 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/06/2021

Rescue Simeria dogs

We are a group of animal rights activists who support local animal rights activists in Romania and Hungary. We are rescuing dogs from the killing stations and the streets. We help with the procurement of foster places, food and medical care and look for a home for the dogs.

4.569 € Totale raccolto

85 Teamer

Teamer da:  18/08/2021


Our daily work is meant to improve the lives of the stray animals around us. For this we work on many sides, but our main objective is SPAY. We aim to build a center/clinic that will ensure the resources for ample spaying campaigns and patient admission, which will allow us to provide post-op care to our patients, and most importantly, allow us to continue our spaying campaigns even in the coldest months of the year.

774 € Totale raccolto

35 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/09/2021

Unterstützung für Mazedonische Tiere

Ihr Lieben, wir unterstützen Mazedonien, da es dort kaum Tierschutz gibt. Täglich leiden dort Tiere auf der Straße. Wir brauchen dringend Futter und Medikamente. Offene Pensionskosten verschaffen uns schlaflose Nächte. Bitte unterstützt die armen und vergessene Seelen mit 1 Euro.

2.635 € Totale raccolto

159 Teamer

Teamer da:  30/06/2022

Die Pfotenretter

Wir sind ein Tierschutzverein in Wien, der seit Jahren Hunde und Katzen aus schrecklichen Situationen rettet, aufpäppelt und an tolle Menschen vermittelt. Wir finanzieren Kastrationsprojekte im In- und Ausland, unterstützen private Retter und bezahlen Tierarztkosten für Notfalltiere. Danke für Eure Hilfe! https://www.facebook.com/diepfotenretter

1.011 € Totale raccolto

63 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/12/2022

Help for Tierschutz Sonne

Ich möchte mit dieser Gruppe Tierschutz-Sonne unterstützen. Tierschutz-Sonne hat seinen Vereinssitz in Kärnten und versucht mit viel ehrenamtlichen Einsatz und noch mehr Herz das Leben der Fellnasen in Nis/Serbien zu verbessern. Sie betreiben Aufklärungsarbeit und Kastrationsprojekte vor Ort, unterhalten einige Pflegestellen und stecken viel Energie in die Vermittlung der Hunde. Ich selbst habe schon drei ihrer Fellnasen begleiten dürfen. Bitte helft mir helfen. www.tierschutz-sonne.at

5.801 € Totale raccolto

218 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/09/2023

ISLAND OF HOPE - Helping Animals Romania HAR

HAR is an NGO with headquarters in Bucharest, Romania and a shelter with over 300 dogs and 50 cats. The vision of HAR is to reduce the multiplication of the undesirable animals through neutering/spaying actions. HAR aim is to find a stable home for stray dogs and cats and provide care for ill/disabled/abused animals. The mission of HAR is to contribute through all its actions in diminishing the number of abandanimals (dogs and cats), fact that has reached a worrying quota in RO

6.009 € Totale raccolto

147 Teamer

Teamer da:  09/08/2024

Die Niemandshunde von Bihać

We are a small but very strong-willed team, which made it its mission to take care of the forgotten and abandoned dogs of the streets and garbage dump of the city of Bihac in the northwest of Bosnia, to alleviate their suffering and above all to show them that not all people are bad, and that their fate does not leave us unaffected.

3.760 € Totale raccolto

132 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/08/2024

Forever Home For Strays

Serbien - Pester Gebirge. Unterstützung der Hunde auf der Straße und Mülldeponie! Regelmäßige Fütterung, Verletzte und Kranke medizinisch versorgen. Unterbringung, wenn möglich, in einer Pension. Jeder Hund, jedes Tier hat Hilfe und eine Chance verdient!! Dankeschön ❤️