110  Teamers
4.705 € recaudados

ESMA has been a registered non-profit animal welfare association based in Cairo since 2007. The goal is to help suffering dogs and cats: 1.) injured, sick, poisoned, malnourished and abused strays as well as abandoned pets are admitted to their shelter and medically cared for. It is tried to find a loving home for these souls. 2.) Castration campaigns are intended to reduce the overpopulation of stray dogs.

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Raccolta fondi per lAssociazione ESMA, Cairo, Egitto

ESMA, Egito, tramite: Associazione Freie Tierhilfe, Kleve DE10324500000030041073 Sparkasse Rhein-Maas

aiutare la gestione del rifugio ESMA che ospita circa 2.000 cani e 600 gatti, originariamente randagi e abbandonati, che erano malati, feriti o anche avvelenati . ESMA (Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals) è una Associazione registrata con il n. 3059/2007 e riconosciuta dal Governo Egiziano.

Publicado el


Marianne Braß
Marianne Braß
Teaming Manager

11/02/2025 10:59 h

1278 Euro konnten für ESMA in 2024 gesammelt werden, Dank der Gemeinschaft hier. Herzlichen Dank allen, die mit im Boot sind

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Últimos comentarios

Marianne Braß
Marianne Braß
Teaming Manager

16/02/2024 17:46 h

Ihr Lieben,
1434 Euro ... in 2023

So viel Geld konnte ESMA Dank Euch überwiesen werden und für jeden von Euch, war es nur ein Euro mo amtlich
Herzlichen Dank Allen dafür ❣❣❣

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
4.705 €
Ya hemos donado:
4.381 €
Vamos a donar:
324 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


Fecha de publicación

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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