Cornelia Kimi


Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 1 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 2 € a 2 Grupos

Desde el 30-10-2019 ha aportado 293 €

Grupos que lidera


6.153 € Recaudados

150 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  30/10/2019

Die Niemandshunde von Bihać

We are a small but very strong-willed team, which made it its mission to take care of the forgotten and abandoned dogs of the streets and garbage dump of the city of Bihac in the northwest of Bosnia, to alleviate their suffering and above all to show them that not all people are bad, and that their fate does not leave us unaffected.

Grupos en los que participa


2.677 € Recaudados

136 Teamers

Teamer desde:  26/10/2022

Eichhörnchenhilfe Salzburg

Behördlich geprüfte Station zur Pflege und Aufzucht von verletzten oder verwaisten Eichhörnchen.