Teaming Manager desde: 14/05/2018
The charity L'Amico Fedele, has been active since 2006 caring for pets in need. Over the years, it has become a point of reference for pet rescue and adoption. In 2016 our region Marche was devastated by a terrible earthquake, which created a situation of emergency for hundreds of people and animals. So here is a growing need to create a center in which to help pets in need. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR PROJECT! You will allow us to build and run a First Aid and Rescue center, help pets in need
Teamer desde: 31/07/2023
Da li biste željeli da donirate samo 1€ za pse koje spašava UG 'SPAS' Prijedor? Dragi prijatelji, znamo da su došla teška vremena za sviju širom svijeta, i da je u ovim kriznim trenucima teško donirati novac kada ne znamo šta sutra nosi. Međutim, ipak je potrebno da se omogući rad naših volontera u Prijedoru, u Bosni. Stoga smo smislili da vas zamolimo da donirate jednu svoju kafu za naše štićenike, s obzirom da je mnigo kafića zatvoreno širom Evrope zbog novonastale situacije!