Christine Barczak

Reino Unido

Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 1 € a 1 Grupos

Desde el 22-01-2018 ha aportado 85 €

Grupos que lidera


2.026 € Recaudados

30 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  22/01/2018

Saving the Street Dogs

I want to help “Saving the Street Dogs”, a group created to help the street dogs in Romania and Bosnia, and to rescue those that are in public shelters. Marin-Natasa Ivanovic cares for a constant number of dogs that she has rescued, that need continued food and veterinary care. With the support of other volunteers Marin prepares the rescued dogs for foster and rehoming in various countries. The group relies donations and I hope this Teaming group will ensure a regular income can be generated.