Teamer since: 03/01/2017
L'association SOS Mistigris 87 vient en aide aux chats Hauts-Viennois de différentes façons : stérilisation des chats errants, mise en place de sites de nourrisage, prise en charge de chats en difficulté et/ou abandonnés,... Tout cela a un coût, s'il vous plaît, aidez l'association à continuer son travail et à étendre son champ d'action !
Teamer since: 15/08/2017
EHEES Elephant Haven-European Elephant Sanctuary, a sanctuary for elephants from European zoos and circuses. Many European countries ban wild animals in circuses. Where to place them? It is not always possible to send them back to their country of origin, so we help them by creating a "retirement home". Can you help us provide a retreat for elephants until the end of their lives? It's now possible to foster Gandhi for a whole year! Visit our website.