Elephant Haven - European Elephant Sanctuary

Elephant Haven - European Elephant Sanctuary

87  Teamers
8.407 € recaudados

EHEES Elephant Haven-European Elephant Sanctuary, a sanctuary for elephants from European zoos and circuses. Many European countries ban wild animals in circuses. Where to place them? It is not always possible to send them back to their country of origin, so we help them by creating a "retirement home". Can you help us provide a retreat for elephants until the end of their lives? It's now possible to foster Gandhi for a whole year! Visit our website.

Destinamos la recaudación a:

€1 per month to help elephants in Europe to retire

ELEPHANT HAVEN : a retirement for elephants in Europe

EHEES : Elephant Haven-European Elephant Sanctuary : a sanctuary/retirement home for elephants from European zoos and circuses. Many European countries ban wild animals in circuses. Where to place them? Gandhi arrived in 2021, and Delhi in 2022 @ EHEES. Because they have health and mental problems they need a lot of care. Will you help us? Any donation is welcome. Its now possible to foster Gandhi and/or for a whole year! Visit our website.

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Sofie Goetghebeur
Sofie Goetghebeur
Teaming Manager

15/07/2023 19:21 h

Merci pour votre soutien pour le soin quotidien de Delhi & Gandhi
Thank you for your support for the daily care of Delhi and Gandhi

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Sofie Goetghebeur
Sofie Goetghebeur
Teaming Manager

16/12/2023 10:59 h

***FR ***
Cher(s) / Chère(s) …
Nous vous souhaitons un joyeux Noël et une bonne année 2024 !
Nous vous remercions chaleureusement pour votre soutien.

Meilleurs Voeux et Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année, )

Sofie, Tony, Gandhi, Delhi et toute l' équipe d'EHEES

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2024!
Thank you for all your support.

Best Wishes and Happy Holidays

Sofie, Tony, Gandhi, Delhi, and the entire EHEES team

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Sofie Goetghebeur
Sofie Goetghebeur
Teaming Manager

29/10/2023 09:33 h

D&G vous souhaitent un bon dimanche & merci pour votre soutien
D&G wish you a great Sunday & thank you for your support

*Errors payments / erreurs de paiements:

-We are getting some errors for payments .
It is not possible to do the monthly payment of 1 euro
( we have to pay €1 cost for each error)
Would it be possible to check your card please?
greetings EHEES Team

-Nous avons quelques erreurs des paiements.
C'est pas possible de faire le don de €1.
(Nous devons payer €1 de frais pour chaque erreur)
Voudriez vous verifier votre carte bancaire svp

Cordialement ,l'équipe EHEES

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
8.407 €
Ya hemos donado:
8.064 €
Vamos a donar:
343 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


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Defensa de los animales


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