Celia Ortiz Aviñón

Vizcaya, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 2 Gruppi

Teamer in 4 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 6 € a 6 Gruppi

Da 26-05-2019 ha contribuito 357 €

Gruppi che amministra


9.429 € Totale raccolto

172 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   26/05/2019

Asociación protectora Burrita Carmela

The association Burrita Carmela is a 100% family project where we take care of 24 donkeys and donkeys. All the money raised goes towards veterinary costs, food and maintenance of the facilities. This association is supported by its own and private financial efforts, so your collaboration is very valuable to us. Burrita Carmela is located in El Barrio Gumuzio in Amorebieta-Etxano, Bizkaia.

1.144 € Totale raccolto

43 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   05/03/2021

Care for mums and donkey babies in Burrita Carmela

At Burrita Carmela we have breastfeeding mums and their little ones who need more special care where we incorporate nutritional supplements: minerals and multi-nutrients with vitamins. Help us by giving us a little extra.

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


15.999 € Totale raccolto

291 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/06/2019

The Animal Academy - Fuerteventura Animal Shelter

We are a refuge for farm animals rescued from abuse and neglect on the island of Fuerteventura. By giving them a second chance, here they become superheroes and give a voice to all those who, like them, have suffered at the hands of human beings. These animals present all kinds of ailments, but in the refuge they find a place to live the life they deserve without fear. Lend us a paw to help take care of them, and become part of their stories!

7.253 € Totale raccolto

105 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/09/2019

Reserve sons of the Forest

ONG sin ánimo de lucro cuyo fin es la creación y mantenimiento de un centro de recuperación de animales especializado en fauna silvestre. Nuestra labor se basa en 3 pilares 1- Educación ambiental 2- Acciones por la Conservación 3- Centro de rescate (Reserva) El proyecto se puede resumir en: Educación por la conservación. Para saber más visita nuestra web: www.reservahijosdelbosque.org

3.292 € Totale raccolto

64 Teamer

Teamer da:  26/02/2020


Our organization does not receive aid from any city council, even they have refused to collaborate with a local. We urgently need a location / land to create our shelter and thus be able to help more cats and where to care for them with dignity. This group aims to generate a long-term resource fund to carry out this project. Help us create a safe place for all those cats that need it.

8.840 € Totale raccolto

142 Teamer

Teamer da:  31/07/2020

Roke Enea Microsanctuary

Roke Enea es un paraíso donde convivimos animales de diferentes especies. Todas las refugiadas han sido rescatadas de la violencia, el abandono y la indignidad. Aquí han encontrado una familia, el calor de un hogar y el amor y respeto que merecen sin que sean utilizadas como recursos sino como individuos con derechos y dignidad.