Caroline LA

Caroline LA


Teaming manager de 3 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 3 € a 3 Grupos

Desde el 09-08-2020 ha aportado 151 €

Grupos que lidera


4.122 € Recaudados

95 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  09/08/2020

Dog Rescues

We are French animal protection associations that will work to find a new family for dogs. Unfortunately, many of these dogs cannot find a family in France (hunting dogs, Rottweiller, difficult dogs). This is why we work in partnership with associations, shelters or adopters in Germany / Luxembourg / Switzerland / Austria. Association secours et protection des animaux helps to organize this project

2.138 € Recaudados

34 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  09/08/2020

Support for Refuge SPA de Poitiers

The Poitiers SPA (Rescue and Protection of Animals) is a non-profit association governed by the law of 1901. Dedicated to the animal cause, it operates thanks to a team of employees, veterinarians and volunteers, never stingy with their affection and their time. The SPA is an independent association. We collect dogs, cats, Nacs in order to find them a new loving family.

192 € Recaudados

3 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  12/07/2021

Cat Rescues

Das Poitiers SPA Refugium arbeitet seit mehreren Jahren eng mit deutschen Verbänden zusammen, um unseren Katzen eine zweite Chance zu geben. Wir appellieren an Ihre Großzügigkeit, damit wir den Transport von Katzen von Poitiers nach Deutschland finanzieren können, wo sie ein schönes Zuhause finden.