Bianca Slot


Teaming Manager di 6 Gruppi

Teamer in 26 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 29 € a 29 Gruppi

Da 17-04-2017 ha contribuito 1.403 €

Gruppi che amministra


1.852 € Totale raccolto

16 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   06/12/2018

Support Anja Biezeman's Stray Animals

Anja Biezeman is a lovely Dutch woman, who lived in Pilion, Greece, taking care of stray animals. Unfortunately her health is getting worse and she was forced to go back to Holland, leaving some dogs behind, for which she is still paying and still looking for a foster. When all animals are placed and no longer financial responsibility of Anja anymore, this group will be closed.

1.811 € Totale raccolto

36 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   21/04/2019

Stichting Save a stray - Stray animal funding

Hi, we are Bianca, Dayony and Ingrid and Stichting Save a Stray is our charity which helps organizations and rescuers who are working with/for stray animals abroad. With the collected funds we support any organization or personal rescuer who needs help. We support randomly, just who needs it the most. We already supported projects in Spain, Greece, Romania, Belgium, Bosnia, Sri Lanka and Macedonia and many other countries. With your help we can do more! Will you be our next Teamer?

5.083 € Totale raccolto

81 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   24/04/2020


Svetlana die inmiddels 95 honden gered heeft , heeft jullie keihard nodig!! Svetlana redt alleen de gewonde, zieke, kansloze van de straten van Bosnië. Deze honden moeten van fosters naar haar eigen veilige plek komen. Maandelijks kost dit geld voor voer, dierenarts kosten, sterilisaties, bouwwerk van kennels. Help alsjeblieft mee met jouw euro per maand en laten we een groot team worden.

2.409 € Totale raccolto

71 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   27/04/2020

Cats of Curacao

To this day, I care for 192 cats on a daily basis, on the Island of Curacao. They are cared for by providing food and water, medical care, Spay and Neuter Programs (TNR). I also take care of community cats, by trapping them and make sure they are spayed and neutered. Furthermore I educate the islanders on how to take care of their feline friends. Donations will be collected by Stichting Save a Stray, and they tranfer the money to Cats of Curacao.

2.371 € Totale raccolto

74 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   10/06/2021

Usko's Nest Dog Shelter - Dalida - Bosnia

Dalida is a lawyer from Sarajevo who has been involved in protection of animals for more than 15 years and she is one of the rescuers and activists with most experience in Bosnia. Dalida and her mom take care of 140 saved dogs and cats in their shelter Usko's Nest Dog. They really need help with the costs for food, vetbills, medication and supplements, deworming and defleaing, and to hire a worker to help out Dalida's mum, who is working so hard, but can't keep up on her own. Help is needed!

1.087 € Totale raccolto

16 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   10/09/2023

Save a Mastin Teaming Group

Since 2015 we rescue mastins in Spain. We are a non-profit organisation and completely rely on donations. For less than a cup of coffee you can help us out! Because we are a non-profit organisation, we don't own an organisation-bank account. Collected funds are therefor transfered to Stichting Save a Stray. After the transfer they will send the amount to us, from which we will divide the money to the fosters to maintain all our costs, like vet bills and release fees.

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


2.462 € Totale raccolto

36 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/04/2020

Stichting Hulp aan dieren in nood

Wij helpen minima bij hoge incidentele kosten voor hun huisdieren (operaties, sterilisaties/castraties, euthanasie/crematie of noodzakelijk bezoek aan dierenarts). Dat doen we al heel wat jaren en de nood wordt steeds groter. Iedere euro helpt dus vandaar dit initiatief. Helpt u ons helpen?

12.925 € Totale raccolto

189 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/04/2020

TANAMERA Hunting Dog Rescue

Tanamera rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes Spanish hunting dogs. Without exception, they enter our shelter being only skin and bones and food is their first need. Our refuge suffers to pay the food bill for our dogs, that often need special food (liver / heart problems, recovery & puppy food). On average we need 335 euros PER MONTH to be able to give them the food they need. We need your help to ensure we can feed our dogs, not only today, but every month. Please help us feed them. Thank you!

1.722 € Totale raccolto

47 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/06/2020

Strays Meet Holland | dierenwelzijn

You cant save all dogs of the world but you can save the world of 1 dog. Together we can make the lives of a lot of dogs and cats so much better. Our foundation exists only from volunteers. We help stray animals in the Netherlands, Spain and Roemenia Please help us help those animals who needs our help. For just 1 euro you already make a difference. Look at our website; or fb:

4.690 € Totale raccolto

63 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/06/2020

Catties Angels

Catties Angels is opgericht om (zwerf)katten in nood te helpen in voornamelijk Roemenië. Ook zetten wij ons daar in om zwerfkatten te neutraliseren, zodat er op lange termijn minder dierenleed voor komt.

13.914 € Totale raccolto

368 Teamer

Teamer da:  28/06/2020

Vzw Azura

Vzw Azura bekostigt zware medische kosten van katjes zonder eigenaar bij kleine organisaties. Dit kan gaan van een aangereden katje met breuken tot een ooramputatie bij bv. een witte kat met oorkanker. Op deze manier helpen we de kleine organisaties het hoofd boven water te houden door deze kosten van hen over te nemen. Verder verdelen we regelmatig voedselpakketten en kopen we couveuses en andere nuttige zaken aan voor deze organisaties.

6.757 € Totale raccolto

96 Teamer

Teamer da:  13/10/2020

Help Edina save animals in Sarajevo!

Edina spends all her time saving animals from the streets in Sarajevo. She is also a volunteer at Praca (horror) shelter where dogs do not get food, medical attention, water, etc. She tries to save as many as possible. In winter Edina feeds the strays at night. Edina has around 130 dogs and 90 cats under her care at pensions and tries to find them good homes. She cannot do this alone, please help her!

3.050 € Totale raccolto

57 Teamer

Teamer da:  18/12/2020

Catties angels - PS Boldesti

This group is made to raise funds for PS Boldesti. All donations raised through this group will be used to buy food for the dogs that are in PS Boldesti.

5.813 € Totale raccolto

122 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/02/2021

Cats Because we Care

We are a small non profit official foundation, who helps street cats in Athens,Thessaloniki and Prevaza in Greece. We help the cats in foster care to find homes in Holland and Belgium Donations and fees go in the account of the Foundation Cats Because we care ❤ With the donations we can help the stray and foster cats and give them a chance to get adopted and a happy and safe life , as they will not survive or live long if they stay on the streets. Thank you for your support ♥️

936 € Totale raccolto

13 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/02/2021


No tenemos albergue, y nuestros animales están temporalmente en casas particulares, pero también seguiremos ayudando a los que están en las perreras Municipales. Esperamos seguir salvando a muchos animales como hasta ahora. No tenemos subvenciones oficiales. No tenemos ánimo de lucro, todo el dinero que conseguimos es para pagar la comida, atenciones veterinarias (vacunas, operaciones, microchip, castraciones)

2.104 € Totale raccolto

28 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/02/2021


Volunteer run animal shelter, with a big focus on neutering stray cats and dogs in order to reduce the huge suffering, for the many animals on the streets. Our shelter is a haven for animals that need help. With 30,000 feral cats we need to neuter as many as we can. We also help dog/cat owners on a low income to neuter their animals, saving them ending up on the streets. More info on our Facebook page -

2.520 € Totale raccolto

38 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/02/2021

Help street cats Greece with Greek Cat Care Foundation!

This group and our charity is dedicated, to helping street cats of Greece. Since 2017 we focus on the island of Lesvos, (from 2010- 2016 we set up help for street cats of Samos) We are 100 % volunteers, and we can only help the street cats with donations. With your donation of 1 euro, you can participate in helping the street cats by our sterilisations, emergency and, vet help, necessary care and a safe place for weak and wounded cats and kittens, providing food and shelter, saving lives.

1.389 € Totale raccolto

36 Teamer

Teamer da:  17/05/2021

PAWSOME PETS: Steun onze rescue honden en -katten in Griekenland.

PAWSOME PETS werkt samen met verschillende rescuers, Privé-asielen en gemeente-asielen in Griekenland om voor verwaarloosde, gedumpte of mishandelde honden, zwerfhonden en -katten een thuis te vinden in Nederland of België.

4.476 € Totale raccolto

91 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/08/2021

Help Gabriela and her dogs - Romania

Gabriela runs a dog shelter in Romania. She is entirely dependent on donations. Gabriela takes care of 75 a 80 dogs on her own. Care such as medical costs, food are expensive for 75 to 80 dogs. Help Gabriela to feed the dogs every month !

574 € Totale raccolto

8 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/03/2022

Story of the strays

We are a non profit organisation. Story of the Strays. Mandy Beets the president, with 5 dutch and belgium volunteers and our Greek volunteer Kelly Stefanidou and her husband Sakis Patios, they currently care about 82 dogs. The costs run up to approximately 1,600 euros per month, such as veterinary costs and food. We have a debt of 7000 euro's at the vet. Ultimately, we want the well-socialized dogs to be adopted.

2.685 € Totale raccolto

124 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/05/2022

Irene op Kythira / Adopt a cat

my name is Irene and I live and work on the beautiful Greek island Kythira for 15 years now, here I take care of the stray cats of the island, I have developed a feeding station and placed 28 of them around the island, I feed about 700 cats and at my home I have a shelter for cats with handicaps, at the moment 40 cats, that for there own safety cannot live in the "wild" because they are blind, deaf, paralyzed etc. for more information visit the website or follow me on FB .. THANKS

640 € Totale raccolto

29 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/05/2022

Skyros Stray Cats

I take care of controlling the population of the abandoned cats as well as taking care of sick or with emergency situation . The cats will get the veterinary care if needed. Trapping, Neutering with Returning and Feeding is done throughout the year but i do need your help. DON'T LET THEM STARVE ,HELP ME TO FEED THEM IN WINTERTIME! The cats will be eternally grateful if you help them!

7.659 € Totale raccolto

213 Teamer

Teamer da:  15/10/2022

Asociación y refugio para animales sin posibilidades ( ASRA )

We are an animal sanctuary in Muro de Alcoy. We have almost 100 animals with chronic illnesses, with trauma or who are handicapped. We are a family of 4 and work with 2 amazing volunteers.

4.622 € Totale raccolto

135 Teamer

Teamer da:  01/03/2023

Sasha shelter Serbia

Sasha takes care of 750 unwanted dogs .. – this has never been his dream - but the dogs are there, waiting for food, waiting for help.. every day..again. The dogs are kept in packs, they run free for 8 hours per day, they eat, rest and play together. They are safe. Safe from the dangers of the street and humans. We help them with food and basic medication. We also run a sterilization program and try to improve care for the old and weaker dogs and abandoned pups.

1.750 € Totale raccolto

65 Teamer

Teamer da:  01/03/2023

Antalya's straatsukkeltjes

Whe are taking care of the street animals from Antalya and Alanya and even Ankara.Whe also visite dogshelters,and ask what the food, medication ect...Castration and sterilization is the most important thing whe must do.So please help us to do what whe have to do....Whe feed the street animals and also go to the vet if the needed treatment.Please help us to help this poor children.

540 € Totale raccolto

18 Teamer

Teamer da:  20/05/2023

Love All Strays

Wij zamelen geld in, zodat we financiële hulp kunnen bieden aan mensen die zich bekommeren om zwerfdieren in oa Roemenië en Spanje.

1.070 € Totale raccolto

55 Teamer

Teamer da:  08/09/2023

Les protègés de Samantha

Bonjour Ce groupe teaming est didié a mes sauvetages,j'ai pensée a crée ce groupe.afin de payer nos factures animalerie,vétérinaire,Médica et aussi pour pouvoir payé le loyer de la chatterie qui abrite 40 chats tous issu de sauvetages dont des handicapes,avec ma mère on nourrit presque 90chats Toutes personnes souhaitant contribuer avec 1euro/mois,pourrait s'inscrire dans ce groupe teaming,moi et mes protégés nous serons reconnaissant aussi de bien vouloir partager avec vos proches,amis Merci

7.122 € Totale raccolto

409 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/10/2023

Refuge d'Hajar Aourz Maroc pour les chiens et chats errants de Salé

In Salé, Morocco, Hajar Aourz has created a shelter in her home and on rented land. Today, this shelter welcomes 120 cats and 150 dogs. His determination: the extreme suffering of stray animals and the cruelty to which they are subjected day after day. This shelter cannot continue to exist without your help. Hajar does not receive any state subsidy and operates only thanks to donations which are scarce. Don't let them down! Carole, volunteer

2.430 € Totale raccolto

107 Teamer

Teamer da:  09/04/2024

Youm refuge chiens et chats Assilah Maroc

Bonjour, je crée ce groupe teamer pour aider M.Ahmed Soussi pour son refuge à Assilha, une ville du Maroc Ahmed s occupe de 150 chiens et 80 chats. Il a besoin de dons pour nourrir, soigner et protéger les chiens et chats qu il secourt. il est seul et le bénévolat n' existe pas au Maroc. J aimerai grâce aux cumules des 1€ pouvoir l aider à stériliser soigner vacciner nourrir les animaux qu' il sauve d' une mort certaine.... vous pouvez nous suivre également sur Facebook merci d'avance

2.782 € Totale raccolto

87 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/08/2024

Asociación amigos de 4 patas el viso

Whe are an Asociation in de South of spain dedicated to the Rescue of Street Dogs, since a Year ago whe don't have a fisical shelter What includes we Need to pay for Foster Places at other paid shelters. The money of the donations goes to pay these Fosters, medical payments, food etc. Help us please to continue save these Street Dogs.

503.154 € Totale raccolto

14.283 Teamer

Teamer da:  25/08/2024

Teamers 4 Teaming

Aiutiamo più di 8,000 cause sociali a rendere possibili i loro progetti. Da quando è stato lanciato Teaming, abbiamo raccolto per loro più di 50 milioni di euro, a commissioni zero. Abbiamo creato questo Gruppo in modo da supportare la Fondazione Teaming per aiutare gli altri, attraverso questa piattaforma. È grazie ai Teamers di questo Gruppo che Teaming è totalmente gratuito. Il nostro sogno è quello di renderci autosufficienti, proprio grazie a questo Gruppo.Ti piacerebbe unirti a noi?

2.285 € Totale raccolto

50 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/09/2024

Stichting Setter Rescue Netherlands

We help abused and mistreated setters from all over europe to their forever homes in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. We try to achieve a 100%match between the family and rescue dog. We stay ik contact with our rescue family's until the last day of the dogs life.( or naturale life)