Save a Mastin Teaming Group

Save a Mastin Teaming Group

15  Teamers
1.087 € recaudados

Since 2015 we rescue mastins in Spain. We are a non-profit organisation and completely rely on donations. For less than a cup of coffee you can help us out! Because we are a non-profit organisation, we don't own an organisation-bank account. Collected funds are therefor transfered to Stichting Save a Stray. After the transfer they will send the amount to us, from which we will divide the money to the fosters to maintain all our costs, like vet bills and release fees.

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Save a Mastin - Stichting Save a Stray

Save a Mastin - Stichting Save a Stray

We are helping mastins, but we are non profit. If we had a monthly ammount of teamers that would help us so much. Our group is growing and we are over the 5000 members in save a mastin! So dear members can we count on you for 1e a month?? Its less then a cup of coffee and you are saving lives with it. Transfer of the funds will go through Stichting Save a Stray.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
1.087 €
Ya hemos donado:
1.087 €
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Fecha de publicación

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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